1. 本課程試圖引領學生能利用power bi 及其他數位工具, 完成財務分析工作, 學生必須能有意願自我學習及探索未曾使用power bi 的意願, 始能完成課程
2. 透過會計師豐富的產業經驗, 可加強財務報表數字與公司營運間的連結
3. 課程採分組進行, 讓同學可以互相學習及討論 1. This course test guides students to use power bi and other digital tools to complete financial analysis. Students must be able to intentionally learn and explore their own intentions that have not used power bi before completing the course.
2. Through the rich industry experience of the organizer, you can strengthen the connection between financial report numbers and company operations.
3. The courses are organized in sub-groups so that students can learn and discuss with each other
謝劍平, 財務報表分析(五版)
Xie Liuping, Financial Report Analysis (Fifth Edition)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
20 | 不得無故缺課 |
期中產業分析報告期中產業分析報告 Mid-term industry analysis report |
20 | 課堂所介紹的財分析基本概念 |
期末財報分析報告期末財報分析報告 Final financial report analysis report |
60 | 以power bi 完成期末報告並上台報告 |