Excel是每個資訊工作者務必要精修的工作武器,懂得解讀數字、挖掘數據意義的人才,該能力更是職場勝出的關鍵,課程主要以循序漸進的方式,教導學生利用Excel軟體將資料整理成資訊並應用在會計及財務上,學生可了解函數及圖表的基本原理、具備數據計算與分析的基本技能,透過Excel基礎功能結合Power BI視覺化分析及VBA的自動化,將能夠培養學生在財務和會計上之實務能力。Excel is a necessary work weapon for every information worker to refine, and talents who know how to understand numbers and dig out data meanings. This ability is the key to the performance of the job. The courses are mainly in a step-by-step way to teach students to use Excel software to organize data into Information is applied to accounting and finance. Students can understand the basic principles of functions and charts, have basic skills in data calculation and analysis, and combine Power through Excel basic functions. BI visual analysis and VBA automation will be able to cultivate students' financial and academic capabilities.
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