本課程引導同學認識自己,指引同學生涯規劃方向,及教導同學正確撰寫履歷與安排模擬面試(包含就業或研究所考試),透過此課程讓同學能夠順利找到未來就業方向。This course guides students to understand themselves, guides students in their career planning direction, and teaches students to correctly write resumes and arrange mock interviews (including employment or graduate school examinations). Through this course, students can successfully find their future employment direction.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
自傳與履歷自傳與履歷 Autobiography and resume |
40 | |
模擬面試模擬面試 mock interview |
30 | |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
30 |