網路是全世界最⼤的市場,但⼤多數同學並無網路店舖經營的實務經驗,以及網路⾏銷整合應⽤的管道。在社群網路⾰命興起後,各式各樣的網路開店創業模式與網路⾏銷技巧包羅萬象, 此外,在AI浪潮的衝擊下,如何利用AI雲端工具及大數據分析,進行網路電商經營管理則更為重要。本課程從「個案」、
「理論」、與「實務操作」多元⾯向,逐步解說網店經營與網路⾏銷秘訣,講授如何利⽤電⼦商務的特性,在網路進⾏交易,並瞭解各種網路⾏銷⽅法及剖析其優劣,並利用決策式與生成式AI工具實作,操作各類數位行銷工具, 使同學了解在數位時代下網路或⼿機等新媒體的影響⼒,並有效率的經營自己網路電商。
The Internet is the largest market in the world, but most students do not have the practical experience of online store management and the pipeline of integrated online marketing applications. After the social network's fate began, various online store opening models and online marketing skills have been included. In addition, under the impact of the AI wave, how to use AI cloud tools and large data analysis to conduct the Internet E-commerce management is more important. This course comes from "case",
"Theory", "Practical Operation" has a diverse perspective, gradually explaining the secrets of online store operations and online marketing, teaching how to use the characteristics of e-commerce to conduct transactions online, and understand various online marketing parties Methods and analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, and use decision-making and generative AI tools to operate various digital marketing tools, so that students can understand the influence of new media such as networks or mobile phones in the digital era, and effectively operate themselves Internet e-commerce.
Self-edited textbooks
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂作業課堂作業 Classroom Works |
40 | 資料蒐集與電腦實作 |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
30 | 團體報告 |
學期報告學期報告 Study period report |
30 | 團體報告 |