course information of 113 - 1 | 1341 Practice of International Trade(國際貿易實務)

1341 - 國際貿易實務 Practice of International Trade

教育目標 Course Target

台灣屬於島國經濟型態,在欠缺自然資源的先天條件下,國際貿易實為台灣生存發展的主要命脈。本課程希能藉由上課講解要點、原則,從貿易的基本概念、交易條件、貿易磋商過程、信用狀、檢驗簽證、單據製作、裝運通關、結匯/押匯及貿易糾紛索賠等,使同學能在有限的學習時間內,熟悉國際貿易的所有程序。整體而言,修習本課程後,同學對整體國際貿易的程序應能有一定程度的掌握,並有足夠能力取得相關證照(如國貿大會考及國貿丙級技術士)。Taiwan belongs to the island of economic type. Under the inherent condition of lack of natural resources, international trade is actually the main destiny of Taiwan's survival and development. This course hopes to understand the key points and principles in the previous course, from the basic concepts of trade, trading conditions, trade negotiation process, credit status, inspection and signature, single production, decoration connection, closure/deal and trade disputes, etc., to enable students to enable them to obtain the basic concepts of trade, trading conditions, trade negotiation process, credit status, inspection and signature, single production, distribution, and trade disputes. With limited learning time, be familiar with all procedures of international trade. Overall, after completing this course, students should be able to master the overall international trade procedures to a certain extent and have sufficient ability to obtain relevant certificates (such as the National Trade General Assembly and the National Trade C Technical College).

課程概述 Course Description

Taiwan is a one-sea island-type economic country, and the island has insufficient natural resources, so economic development needs to be relied on the expansion and replenishment of foreign trade. International trade practice is a subject established for the preparation of basic preparation for foreign trade manufacturers to train business management talents. Through learning from this subject, you can understand and be familiar with trade operation skills, so that your classmates can be more comfortable when they start working in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books

International trade practice, written by Cai Chang, Weng Zhengling, Liu Shuqin, 33 edition (published in 2021), Huatai Culture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
10 以發問踴躍度、出席情況評定
Flexibility Learning Report (Final Report)
20 以報告完成度及正確程度評分
Second test
30 貿易流程、信用狀,筆試
Midterm exam
20 筆試
Final exam
20 筆試

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-1340 Practice of International Trade / 國際貿易實務 (國貿系3,授課教師:張國雄/林月雲,二/2,3,4[M155])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[M143]
授課教師 Teacher:楊維娟
修課班級 Class:國貿系3
選課備註 Memo:不分班,同學需自行選課。113下將不開此門課程。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 100 人。

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