統計學是在資料分析的基礎上,研究測定、收集、整理、歸納和分析反映數據資料,以便給出正確訊息的科學。這一門學科自17世紀中葉產生並逐步發展起來,它廣泛地應用在各門學科,從自然科學、社會科學到人文學科,甚至被用於工商業及政府的情報決策。隨著巨量資料時代來臨,統計的面貌也逐漸改變,與資訊、計算等領域密切結合,是數據科學中的重要主軸之一。本課程對統計的方法與原理有深入淺出的介紹外,也會同時教導學生使用統計軟體或編程軟體來因應就業市場之變化,以培養學生理論與應用並重的能力。因此,本課程會讓學生學習到資料搜集與分析探勘的能力,如以ANOVA進行分析,或迴歸分析、並且進一步解讀其背後的管理意涵與應用。Statistics is the science of measuring, collecting, organizing, summarizing and analyzing reflected data on the basis of data analysis in order to give correct information. This discipline emerged and gradually developed since the mid-17th century. It is widely used in various disciplines, from natural sciences, social sciences to humanities, and is even used in intelligence decision-making in industry, commerce and government. With the advent of the era of huge amounts of data, the face of statistics has gradually changed. It is closely integrated with information, computing and other fields and is one of the important main axes in data science. This course not only provides an in-depth introduction to statistical methods and principles, but also teaches students to use statistical software or programming software to respond to changes in the job market, so as to cultivate students' ability to pay equal attention to theory and application. Therefore, this course will allow students to learn the ability to collect and analyze data, such as using ANOVA or regression analysis, and further interpret the management implications and applications behind it.
Douglas A. Lind,William G. Marchal,Samuel A. Wathen (2021). Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics. (18th) (華泰書局代理)
Douglas A. Lind,William G. Marchal,Samuel A. Wathen (2021). Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics. (18th) (Agent of Huatai Book Company)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與(34%出席率,16%上課表現)課堂參與(34%出席率,16%上課表現) Class participation (34% attendance, 16% class performance) |
50 | |
考試或報告(50%)考試或報告(50%) Exam or report (50%) |
50 |