course information of 113 - 1 | 0946 Soil and Groundwater Pollution and Remediation(土壤與地下水污染整治概論)

0946 - 土壤與地下水污染整治概論 Soil and Groundwater Pollution and Remediation

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之目標在於學習土壤與地下水之基本特性以及移除存在於土壤與地下水中汙染物質之處理技術,另外亦將對廠址調查與風險管理作介紹。 1. 土壤污染來源介紹 2. 土壤及地下水特性介紹 3. 場址調查及整治技術 4. 風險評估The goal of this course is to learn the basic characteristics of soil and groundwater and the treatment techniques for removing pollutants present in soil and groundwater. It will also provide an introduction to site investigation and risk management. 1. Introduction to the sources of soil pollution 2. Introduction to soil and groundwater characteristics 3. Site investigation and remediation technology 4. Risk assessment

課程概述 Course Description

The goal of this course is to learn the basic characteristics of soil and groundwater and the treatment techniques for removing pollutants present in soil and groundwater. It will also provide an introduction to site investigation and risk management.

參考書目 Reference Books

土壤與地下水汙染整治:原理與應用 (中華民國環境工程學會出版)
Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation: Principles and Applications (Published by the Environmental Engineering Society of the Republic of China)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6,7[H308]
授課教師 Teacher:宋孟浩
修課班級 Class:環工系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 55 人。

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