course information of 113 - 1 | 0698 Introduction to Mathematical Software(數學軟體)

0698 - 數學軟體 Introduction to Mathematical Software

教育目標 Course Target

了解LaTeX、Beamer和Matlab的程式設計、符號運算、數值、繪圖及文字處理功能,對於在大學數學中的應用非常重要。這裡是這些工具的簡要介紹,以及一些免費數學運算軟體的推薦。 LaTeX是一種基於TeX的排版系統,特別適合於製作數學和科學文件。它的主要功能包括: 數學公式編輯:LaTeX非常擅長於編輯複雜的數學公式,並能產生高品質的輸出。 文檔結構化:LaTeX允許用戶輕鬆管理文檔結構,如章節、索引、參考文獻等。 圖表插入:可以與圖形包(如TikZ和PGF)結合使用,繪製各種圖表和圖形。 排版控制:提供了高度靈活的排版控制,包括字體、間距、頁邊距等。 Beamer是基於LaTeX的一個程式庫,用於製作演示演講文稿。其功能包括: 演示模板:提供多種內建模板,用於創建專業的演示文稿。 動態效果:支持逐步顯示內容、動畫和過渡效果。 數學公式:完整支持 LaTeX 數學公式的編輯和顯示。 圖形和表格:可以輕鬆地插入和管理圖形和表格。 Matlab 是一種數值計算軟體,廣泛應用於工程和科學計算。其主要功能包括: 程式設計:提供強大的編程環境和大量內建函數,用於數值運算、資料分析和演算法開發。 符號運算:通過 Symbolic Math Toolbox,支持符號微分、積分、方程求解等操作。 數值計算:強大的矩陣運算和數值解方程能力,適合大規模科學計算。 繪圖功能:提供豐富的2D和3D繪圖功能,用於數據可視化。 文字處理:可以生成報告和文件,並能與LaTeX集成,生成高質量的文檔。Understanding the programming, symbolic operations, numerical, drawing and word processing functions of LaTeX, Beamer and Matlab is very important for application in college mathematics. Here is a brief introduction to these tools, as well as some recommendations for free math software. LaTeX is a TeX-based typesetting system particularly suitable for producing mathematical and scientific documents. Its main functions include: Mathematical formula editing: LaTeX is very good at editing complex mathematical formulas and producing high-quality output. Document structure: LaTeX allows users to easily manage document structure, such as chapters, index, references, etc. Chart insertion: Can be used in conjunction with graphics packages such as TikZ and PGF to draw various charts and graphs. Typesetting control: Provides highly flexible typesetting control, including fonts, spacing, margins, etc. Beamer is a library based on LaTeX for creating presentations. Its features include: Presentation Templates: Provides a variety of built-in templates for creating professional presentations. Dynamic effects: Supports the gradual display of content, animation and transition effects. Mathematical formulas: Full support for editing and displaying LaTeX mathematical formulas. Graphics and Tables: Graphics and tables can be easily inserted and managed. Matlab is a numerical calculation software widely used in engineering and scientific calculations. Its main functions include: Programming: Provides a powerful programming environment and a large number of built-in functions for numerical operations, data analysis and algorithm development. Symbolic operations: Through Symbolic Math Toolbox, operations such as symbolic differentiation, integration, and equation solving are supported. Numerical calculation: Powerful matrix operation and numerical equation solving capabilities, suitable for large-scale scientific calculations. Drawing function: Provides rich 2D and 3D drawing functions for data visualization. Word processing: can generate reports and files, and can be integrated with LaTeX to generate high-quality documents.

參考書目 Reference Books

張智星. (2016). MATLAB 程式設計入門篇 (第四版)(電子書). 碁峰資訊股份有限公司.

LaTeX https://textw.github.io/LaTeX123/
Zhang Zhixing. (2016). Introduction to MATLAB Programming (Fourth Edition) (e-book). Qifeng Information Co., Ltd.

Let’s learn
LaTeX https://textw.github.io/LaTeX123/

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,Friday/3,4[ST523]
授課教師 Teacher:陳宏益
修課班級 Class:應數系2
選課備註 Memo:B群組7選5,107學年(含)後入學適用;106學年(含)前入學選修。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 34 人。

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