course information of 113 - 1 | 0538 General Physics Lab.(普通物理實驗)

0538 - 普通物理實驗 General Physics Lab.

教育目標 Course Target

引領學生學習基礎物理,認識及瞭解日常生活中的物理現象。 培養學生具備 1.理解與運用物理、數學知識 2.數值計算與數據分析 3.陳述、分析與解決問題,等能力。Lead students to learn basic physics and understand physical phenomena in daily life. Cultivate students with 1. Understand and apply physics and mathematics knowledge 2. Numerical calculation and data analysis 3. Ability to state, analyze and solve problems, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

※為使學生將其於普通物理課程中所學的理論知識,以實驗方式證明;並訓練學生動手操作儀器,及整理數據、分析數據的能力。 ※培養學生核心能力: 1.理解與運用物理、數學知識 2.數值計算與數據分析 3.陳述、分析與解決問題 4.實驗儀器原理的理解與實際操作 5.實驗、研究成果之撰寫與簡報 6.參與團隊合作與遵循專業倫理 ※內容主題為: 第一學期 1.游標尺、螺旋測微器、球徑計簡介 2.基礎力學實驗組 3.動量守恆 4.重力加速度之測量 5.可變g擺 6.拋體運動實驗組 7.環擺經驗方程式 8.楊氏係數測定 9.基礎光學實驗組 10.稜鏡分光儀 第二學期 1.三用電表的使用 2.金屬的熱膨脹 3.安培計與伏特計 4.示波器應用 5.克希荷夫定律 6.電晶體 7.磁矩測定 8.電流天平 9.共振管實驗
※In order to enable students to experimentally prove the theoretical knowledge they have learned in general physics courses; and to train students in the ability to operate instruments, organize and analyze data. ※Develop students’ core abilities: 1. Understand and apply physics and mathematics knowledge 2. Numerical calculation and data analysis 3. Present, analyze and solve problems 4. Understanding and practical operation of experimental instrument principles 5. Writing and presentation of experiments and research results 6. Participate in teamwork and follow professional ethics ※The content theme is: first semester 1. Introduction to vernier scale, spiral micrometer, and spherometer 2.Basic Mechanics Experiment Group 3. Conservation of momentum 4. Measurement of gravity acceleration 5. Variable g pendulum 6. Projectile motion experimental group 7. Empirical equation of ring pendulum 8. Determination of Young’s coefficient 9.Basic Optics Experiment Group 10. 稜鏡Spectrometer second semester 1. Use of three-purpose electricity meter 2.Thermal expansion of metal 3. Amperemeter and voltmeter 4. Oscilloscope application 5. Kirchhoff’s law 6. Transistor 7. Magnetic moment measurement 8.Current balance 9. Resonance tube experiment

參考書目 Reference Books

東海大學物理系普通物理實驗 第六版 滄海圖書
General Physics Experiments, Department of Physics, Tunghai University, Sixth Edition, Canghai Books

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Report results
40 實驗預報30%+實驗結報70%
Daily results: class performance and absences
20 含到課出缺席記錄、上課表現
Operational exam
20 實驗操作考
Final semester test
20 實驗原理及結果測驗

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-0454 General Physics Lab. (I) / 普通物理實驗(一) (應物系1,授課教師:林宗欣,二/6,7,8[ST032])
必修-0533 General Physics Lab. / 普通物理實驗 (化學系化學組1,授課教師:黃靜瑜,五/6,7,8[實驗教室])

Course Information


學分 Credit:1-1
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[實驗教室]
授課教師 Teacher:李其紘
修課班級 Class:化學系化生組1
選課備註 Memo:9/12(四)14:10於ST032實驗室統一進行分組,均須出席,人工加選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 54 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 54 人。

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