這門課程適合希望理解西方民主理論,或是有意培養哲學英語閱讀能力的學生。本課程將閱讀當代重要政治哲學家Iris Marion Young的著作《包容與民主》(Inclusion and Democracy)。透過細讀此書,不僅能理解當代政治哲學中的民主和包容性問題,也有助於理解傳統強調理性溝通的民主理論在價值與文化多元社會之可能限制。Young在書中提出一種她認為具有包容性、公平性以及尊重社會差異的溝通民主理論,尤其強調敘事、修辭和對話等非傳統甚至看似非理性辯論的溝通方式,將如何促進對於不同群體的理解與尊重。此外,Young在書中亦說明平權行動如何作為民主實踐中不可或缺的組成部分,有助於我們評估近年來國內外相關質疑平權行動無助於扭轉甚至加劇不公正的社會現況之批評是否合理。This course is suitable for students who want to understand Western democratic theories or who are interested in cultivating philosophical English reading skills. This course will read the book "Inclusion and Democracy" by Iris Marion Young, an important contemporary political philosopher. Reading this book thoroughly not only allows you to understand the democratic and inclusive problems in contemporary political philosophy, but also helps to understand the possible limitations of traditional democratic theories in value and culturally diverse societies. In her book, Young proposed a communication democratic theory that she believes is inclusive, fair and respects social differences, especially how communication methods that regulate non-traditional and even seemingly irrational discussions such as incidents, revisions and dialogues will promote understanding of different groups. and respect. In addition, Young also explains in his book how equity action is an integral part of democratic practice, which helps us evaluate whether the criticism of relevant doubt equity action at home and abroad has not helped to reverse or even add to unfair social situations in recent years. .
Young, Iris Marion (2002). Inclusion and democracy. Oxford University Press, USA.
簡體字中譯版:艾莉斯·M.楊(2013),《包容與民主》,彭斌、劉明 譯,江蘇人民出版社。
Young, Iris Marion (2002). Inclusion and democracy. Oxford University Press, USA.
Translated in Simplified Chinese: Alice M. Yang (2013), "Inclusion and Democracy", translated by Peng Bin and Liu Ming, Jiangsu People's Publishing House.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
上課筆記與學習單上課筆記與學習單 Class Notes and Learning Orders |
36 | 上完課後當日應繳交,共12次上課,每份最多可得總分3分。如發現作弊或複製生成式AI的文字,一律不予給分。 |
出席和參與討論出席和參與討論 Attend and participate in discussions |
24 | 共12次上課,每次出席且參與討論,可得總分2分。如發現作弊或複製生成式AI的文字,一律不予給分。 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
20 | 如發現作弊或複製生成式AI的文字,一律不予給分。 |