course information of 113 - 1 | 0218 Spatial Field Survey and Historic Studies(田野調查實務)

0218 - 田野調查實務 Spatial Field Survey and Historic Studies

教育目標 Course Target

  台灣的文化資產保存法於1982年制定後,有形文化資產的古蹟、歷史建築、聚落、考古遺址、天然紀念物、甚至是小尺度的文物等,這些具體的既成文化現象便開始了物理、制度性的保存作業;此外的無形無化資產,譬如工藝技術、表演藝術、民俗行為、傳統知識體系等以教導傳承性、具有不可視、隨時間演化的文化現象也在21世紀後積極地展開傳習與推廣。發展至今在實務上,從上而下的行政治理,到由下到上民間的操作經營,有非常多面向的保存事業的專業產生,是必須從這些專業來認識文化資產的保存現況。   除此之外,文化資產保存事業的蓬勃雖是在20世紀末,但其概念發展可追溯至文明延展的清領時期。又或著放眼全世界,文化資產的概念與近代國家的意識也密不可分。因此瞭解文化資產保存的歷史發展是一個理解驅動社會建立共同體身分認同的關鍵外,也是打開人與物質文明的感知關聯之鑰。   不過,此課程雖然通盤介紹包含無形文化資產概況,但著重以歷史空間的文化資產為基礎,目標除了使課程修習者能夠充分地掌握歷史人文空間學理概念之外,並能有應用操作於社會需求的實踐能力,也就是試圖以此課程作為一介面,讓人文社會科學的專業能夠進入、融合當代現實社會。   具體上,課程分為文化資產總論、人文與社會歷史空間學理基礎以及文化資產運用實踐三個部分:   文化資產總論由開課教原授課,傳授文化觀的相關理論、保存理論與概念以及文化資產的發展歷程、世界遺產與文資法規。   人文與社會歷史空間學理的基礎也為教員授課,主要教授歷史空間相關的學術視野,包含聚落地理學、歷史地理學等人文地理學門的空間觀;也講述以空間紋理為基礎的空間型態論、場所精神等的空間分析手法;之後再統合民俗學、考現學乃至於超藝術湯瑪森視角的路上觀察學等的田野調查手法與技術。   課程前半傳授上述的學理知識,建立修習者歷史人文空間的文化資產基礎視野、觀察分析手法與命題的設定能力。   文化資產運用實踐的部分,可再分為運用端的經驗傳承,以及實踐技術的操作兩種修習方式,亦即業師的傳習與課程修習者實務操作兩方法。課程安排至少六位在各種不同領域上於歷史人文空間上著墨的專家作為講座業師,包含了景觀/建築文化資產調查與再利用規劃(古蹟修復/規劃師)、地方創生(或社造師)、地方治理與行政(文化局處官員)、故事地圖寫作(歷史GIS作家)、藝術展演、歷史場所物業經營等面向的專業人士。而修習者在得到各種領域的經驗傳習後,可選擇專門領域中的其中之一,模擬或企劃其專業之事業項目作為期末成果報告接受課程所有成員評判檢視。   以上,修習者在此課程中從學理建立歷史人文空間的學識基礎,之後透過業師的經驗分享方式了解當前社會的文化資產保存實踐。以此為出發點,讓修習者明白學理如何與社會實踐連結,最後課程再使修習者思考未來的實務運用方向,並藉由自我設定企畫、模擬和操作的過程來建構出未來銜接社會的可能性。 After Taiwan’s Cultural Assets Preservation Law was enacted in 1982, tangible cultural assets such as monuments, historical buildings, settlements, archaeological sites, natural monuments, and even small-scale cultural relics, etc., began to be physically and institutionally In addition, intangible and intangible assets, such as crafts and technology, performing arts, folk behaviors, traditional knowledge systems, etc., are also actively spreading and inheriting cultural phenomena that are invisible and evolve over time after the 21st century. Promotion. In practice, from top-down administrative management to bottom-up private operation and management, there have been many preservation professions, and it is necessary to understand the current status of cultural assets preservation from these professions. In addition, although the cultural assets preservation industry flourished at the end of the 20th century, its conceptual development can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty when civilization expanded. Or looking around the world, the concept of cultural assets is inseparable from the consciousness of modern countries. Therefore, understanding the historical development of cultural asset preservation is not only the key to understanding what drives society to establish a community identity, but also the key to unlocking the perceptual connection between people and material civilization. However, although this course includes an overview of intangible cultural assets, it focuses on the cultural assets of historical space. The goal is not only to enable course participants to fully grasp the theoretical concepts of historical and humanistic space, but also to apply them to meet social needs. Practical ability, that is, trying to use this course as an interface to allow majors in humanities and social sciences to enter and integrate into contemporary real society. Specifically, the course is divided into three parts: general introduction to cultural assets, theoretical foundations of humanities and social history space, and practical application of cultural assets: The general introduction to cultural assets is taught by the original instructor, who teaches relevant theories of cultural concepts, preservation theories and concepts, as well as the development process of cultural assets, world heritage and cultural assets regulations. The basics of humanistic and socio-historical spatial theory are also taught by teachers. It mainly teaches academic perspectives related to historical space, including the spatial view of humanistic geography such as settlement geography and historical geography. It also teaches spatial patterns based on spatial texture. Spatial analysis techniques such as theory and place spirit; and then integrating field investigation techniques and techniques such as folklore, contemporary studies and even on-the-road observation from the perspective of hyper-art Thomasson. The first half of the course teaches the above-mentioned academic knowledge and establishes the practitioner's basic vision of cultural assets in the historical and humanistic space, observation and analysis techniques, and proposition setting abilities. The practical part of using cultural assets can be further divided into two learning methods: the inheritance of experience on the application side and the operation of practical techniques, that is, the two methods of transmission by industry teachers and the practical operation of course practitioners. The course arranges for at least six experts who have inked historical and humanistic spaces in various fields to serve as lecturers, including landscape/architectural cultural asset investigation and reuse planning (historic restoration/planner), place creation (or social architect) ), local governance and administration (officials of the Cultural Affairs Bureau), story map writing (historical GIS writers), art exhibitions, and historical site property management professionals. After gaining experience in various fields, practitioners can choose one of the specialized fields and simulate or plan a business project in their major as a final report to be judged and reviewed by all members of the course. As mentioned above, in this course, practitioners build a foundation of knowledge about historical and humanistic space from academic theory, and then learn about the cultural asset preservation practices in current society through the experience sharing of practitioners. Taking this as a starting point, the course allows practitioners to understand how academic theory is connected with social practice. Finally, the course enables practitioners to think about future practical application directions and construct the possibility of connecting society in the future through the process of self-set planning, simulation and operation. sex.

課程概述 Course Description

The basic concepts and techniques of fieldwork in "Humanities and Historical Space" focus on mastering historical traces in space, cultivating the ability to observe architectural styles, settlement characteristics, and comparing them with documents, thereby cultivating the observation sensitivity of social groups. , as the premise of the abstract ability to interpret the essence of culture.

參考書目 Reference Books

The bibliography will be published in the first class after the semester starts.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance results
Class performance and participation
midterm proposal
Final results published

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:陳穎禎
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:史學、方法與應用領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 28 人。

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