course information of 113 - 1 | 0206 History of Modern China(中國近代史)

0206 - 中國近代史 History of Modern China

教育目標 Course Target

中國近代史的名家唐德剛先生曾說過:歷史是條長江大河,永遠向前流動。在歷史的潮流裡,「轉型期」是個瓶頸,是個三峽。近一個半世紀中國變亂的性質,就是兩千年一遇的「社會文化大轉型」的現象,其間死人如麻,痛苦至極。不過不論時間長短,「歷史三峽」終必有通過之一日。從此揚帆直下,隨大江東去,進入海闊天空的太平之洋。......中國的命運是否如唐德剛教授所言邁向康莊大道?不得而知,而近代史正是處於這種社會文化大轉型的階段,從政體、國際關係、社會、生活、文化、身體乃至宗教等各個層面都在進行全面性的變化。了解這個關鍵期轉變的動力與成因,我們才能愈是理解我們身處的時代究竟是什麼?Mr. Tang Degang, a famous scholar of modern Chinese history, once said: History is like a Yangtze River, always flowing forward. In the trend of history, the "transformation period" is a bottleneck and the Three Gorges. The nature of the chaos in China in the past century and a half is that of a "great social and cultural transformation" that occurs only once in two thousand years. During this period, many people died and the pain was extremely painful. However, no matter how long it takes, the "Three Gorges of History" will eventually pass one day. From then on, the sails were set straight down, following the river eastward, and entering the Pacific Ocean with vast sea and sky. ...Is China's destiny heading towards a broad road as Professor Tang Degang said? It is unknown, and modern history is in the stage of this great social and cultural transformation, from political system, international relations, society, life, culture, Comprehensive changes are going on at every level, from the physical to the religious. By understanding the driving force and causes of this critical period of change, the better we can understand what the era we are living in is.

課程概述 Course Description

Mr. Tang Degang, a famous scholar of modern Chinese history, once said: History is like a Yangtze River, always flowing forward. In the trend of history, the "transformation period" is a bottleneck and the Three Gorges. The nature of the chaos in China in the past century and a half is that of a "great social and cultural transformation" that occurs only once in two thousand years. During this period, many people died and the pain was extremely painful. However, no matter how long it takes, the "Three Gorges of History" will eventually pass one day. From then on, the sails were set straight down, following the river eastward, and entering the Pacific Ocean with vast sea and sky. ...Is China's destiny heading towards a broad road as Professor Tang Degang said? It is unknown, and modern history is in the stage of this great social and cultural transformation, from political system, international relations, society, life, culture, Comprehensive changes are going on at every level, from the physical to the religious.

參考書目 Reference Books

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評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Attendance and Class Participation
Results of various examinations and homework assignments
60 包括期末考試

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C107]
授課教師 Teacher:范純武
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:中國史領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 59 人。

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