course information of 113 - 1 | 0043 Selected Readings in Chinese Mythology(中國神話選讀)

0043 - 中國神話選讀 Selected Readings in Chinese Mythology

教育目標 Course Target

神話是人類古老的心靈圖像,是人類潛意識裡永不止息的憂傷或理想。通過對於神話的理解,我們可以認識自己,認識人類,從而發現神話永恆的生命,並省思當代神話如何被再詮釋與創作的可能。Myths are ancient mental images of human beings, and they are the never-ending sadness or ideals in human subconsciousness. Through the understanding of myths, we can understand ourselves and human beings, thereby discovering the eternal life of myths, and reflecting on the possibilities of how contemporary myths can be reinterpreted and created.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.(美)Joseph John Campbell,朱坎如譯:《千面英雄》(台北:立緒)
3. ----------:《神話》(台北:立緒)
4. ----------:《神話的智慧》(台北:立緒)
5. ----------:《坎伯生活美學》(台北:立緒)
6.(美)Bruno Bettelheim著,舒偉等譯:《童話的魅力—童話的心理
7.(法)Lucien Lévy-Brühl著,丁由譯:《原始思維》(台北:台灣商務印書館)
8.(英)James Georgr Frazer著:趙暘譯:《金枝》(安徽:安徽人民)
9.(英)Sigmund Freud著,李至宜, 謝靜怡譯:《圖騰與禁忌》(台北:好讀)

1. (US) Joseph John Campbell, translated by Zhu Kanru: "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" (Taipei: Lixu)
2.----------: "The Hero's Journey" (Taipei: Lixu)
3. ----------: "Myth" (Taipei: Lixu)
4. ----------: "The Wisdom of Myth" (Taipei: Lixu)
5. ----------: "Camber's Life Aesthetics" (Taipei: Lixu)
6. (US) Written by Bruno Bettelheim, translated by Shu Wei and others: "The Charm of Fairy Tales - The Psychology of Fairy Tales
Meaning and Value" (Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press)
7. (France) Written by Lucien Lévy-Brühl, translated by Ding You: "Primitive Thinking" (Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press)
8. (English) Written by James Georgr Frazer: Translated by Zhao Yang: "The Golden Bough" (Anhui: Anhui People)
9. (English) Sigmund Freud, translated by Li Zhiyi and Xie Jingyi: "Totem and Taboo" (Taipei: Haodou)
10. Ye Shuxian's "Chinese Mythology and Philosophy" (Shaanxi: Shaanxi People's)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam (25%)
Final exam (30%)
Homework (35%)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:郭章裕
修課班級 Class:中文系1,2
選課備註 Memo:中文系一、二年級優先。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 81 人。

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