course information of 113 - 1 | 0003 Practical Training of Cultural and Creative Industries (113)(文創實習(113))

0003 - 文創實習(113) Practical Training of Cultural and Creative Industries (113)

教育目標 Course Target

為令東海大學學生(不限系所)理解與掌握文化創意相關產業實際的工作內容、職場環境與產業生態,文學院擬訂於 113 年暑期(6 月-9 月之間)與相關產業進行實習合作;並將於學生確實完成實習後的 112 上學期給予 2 學分,以資證明實習經驗。 課程與實習說明: 由文學院與各實習單位進行簽約,明載工作項目與實習時數。 有意願進行實習的同學須於05/23以前繳交簡單履歷(如有作品集亦可),mail至sj1109@go.thu.edu.tw;將由主責老師與實習單位共同確認實習人選。(信件標題請註明:實習編號項目,系別姓名,例如:3聯經出版社,中文系OOO) 實習時數以120小時為原則。實習單位可依照工作內容進行微調,但須於事先與實習同學溝通,取得協議。 實習並無實習費用,但將由學校提供修課學分。 實習期間之交通與住宿須由實習同學自行負責。 是否取得實習學分與具體分數將由主責教師與實習單位一同決定。 各實習單位需求及實習內容,請見東海大學文學院首頁附件「2024暑期文創實習公告」。In order to enable Tunghai University students (not limited to departments) to understand and master the actual work content, workplace environment and industrial ecology of cultural and creative related industries, the School of Liberal Arts plans to conduct internships with related industries in the summer of 2013 (between June and September) Cooperation; and 2 credits will be given in the last semester after the student has actually completed the internship to prove the internship experience. Course and Internship Description: The School of Liberal Arts signs contracts with each internship unit, clearly stating the work projects and internship hours. Students who are willing to carry out internships must submit a simple resume (a portfolio is acceptable if they have one) before May 23, and email it to sj1109@go.thu.edu.tw; the teacher in charge and the internship unit will jointly confirm the candidates for internship. (Please indicate the title of the letter: internship number project, department name, for example: 3 Lian Jing Publishing House, Chinese Department OOO) The number of internship hours is based on 120 hours. The internship unit can make fine adjustments according to the work content, but it must communicate with the intern classmates in advance and obtain an agreement. There is no internship fee, but the school will provide course credits. Transportation and accommodation during the internship period are the responsibility of the intern students. Whether to obtain internship credits and specific scores will be decided by the teacher in charge and the internship unit. For the requirements and internship content of each internship unit, please see the attachment "2024 Summer Cultural and Creative Internship Announcement" on the homepage of the College of Liberal Arts, Tunghai University.

參考書目 Reference Books

Reference books are provided according to different internship units.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participation and execution of internship work
50 實習單位評分
Internship experience and interviews
50 校內主責老師評分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:高禎臨/劉淑貞/吳靜芳/陳穎禎/徐嘒壎
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4(文學院開)
選課備註 Memo:113年7-9月實習,本課程為實習課程,採人工加選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 16 人。

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