course information of 109 - 2 | 6646 Seminar on Social Enterprise and Local Revitalization(社會企業與地方創生)

6646 - 社會企業與地方創生 Seminar on Social Enterprise and Local Revitalization

教育目標 Course Target

「社會企業」(Social Enterprise, SE)約在2010年之後,成為台灣各部門熱衷討論的主題,這有賴世界趨勢的推動,以及先期研究者與實務推動者的耕耘。但對於多數人而言,到底什麼事社會企業?對個別民眾有何影響?代表什麼意義?對於政府而言,社會企業具備哪些政策效果?因此政府開始熱衷於推廣社會企業,甚至將行政院長的官邸,都改成了全台第一個「社企聚落、青創基地」。此外,對於非營利組織、對於企業、對於廣大的消費者或服務接受者而言,社會企業帶來的啟示又是什麼?如果你我想投身社會企業的行列,我們該如何著手! 本課程學習目的希望從課堂參與的過程,引導學員瞭解何謂社會企業?除了基本的法制環境、國際經驗分享之外,更希望讓學員瞭解「社會問題、社會創新」與社會企業的關係為何?透過「個人創業、組織經營」的角度,輕鬆讓學員瞭解社會企業、擁抱社會企業,進而激發個人、團體或組織層次的社會創業動機與行動。整體而言,本課程主題包括「導論、社會企業概論、社會創業策略轉型、成果驗收」等單元,加上15個以上的社會企業案例,共同研討以實踐前述學習目的。歡迎好奇何謂社會企業的你,有志開拓生涯選項的你,一起到課堂上共同研討。"Social Enterprise, SE" (SE) became a hot topic for discussion in various departments in Taiwan after 2010, with the promotion of world trends and the efforts of advanced researchers and practical promoters. But for most people, what exactly is social enterprises? What impact does it have on a different public? What does it mean? For the government, what policy effects does social enterprises have? Therefore, the government began to be enthusiastic about promoting social enterprises, and even changed the official residence of the Executive Yuan to Taiwan's first "social enterprise settlement and youth creation base". In addition, what are the revelations brought by social enterprises for non-profit organizations, enterprises, and large consumers or service recipients? If you and I want to join the ranks of social enterprises, how should we start! The purpose of this course learning hopes to guide students to understand what social enterprises are? In addition to the basic legal environment and international experience sharing, we also hope to let students understand the relationship between "social problems, social innovation" and social enterprises? Through the perspective of "personal entrepreneurship and organizational management", students can easily understand social enterprises and embrace social enterprises, thereby stimulating social entrepreneurial campaigns and actions of individuals, groups or organizational levels. Overall, the theme of this course includes "discussion, social enterprise overview, social enterprise strategy transformation, and achievement experience", plus more than 15 social enterprise cases, and jointly discussed to achieve the aforementioned learning purpose. Welcome to be curious about you who are in the social and corporate business, and you who are interested in developing your career options, and go to the classroom to discuss together.

參考書目 Reference Books

Written by Hu Zhesheng (2014.04). Temperature business: A collection of essays on social enterprise themes (Editor 1). New Taipei City: Taiwan Social Enterprise Innovation and Innovative Business Association.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course Participation
20 上課出席與議題討論、班級服務等。
Experience report
20 案例或文獻閱讀心得2篇。
Mid-term discussion
30 以PBL教學法為進行原則,選定一個社會問題,進行「分組腦力激盪大會」,探究其原因、內涵。
Final division report
30 依據第9週的社會問題討論結果,上台報告社會創新構想,以及社會企業發展計畫。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11[PG411]
授課教師 Teacher:陳秋政
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 5 人。

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