本課程乃是政治研究所博士班與碩士班的必修課程。其內容主要在探討憲政主義(Constitutionalism)與民主政治(Democracy)之間的競合關係。蓋民主政治主張多數統治,以維護多數意志,而憲政主義則強調限制多數,以保障少數權利,兩者在本質上是相互衝突的。因此,如何在民主政治多數統治的基礎上來保障少數,即成為憲政民主(Constitutional Democracy)的主要爭議。本課程旨在說明這些爭議的所在,並介紹憲政民主的不同形態,以期學生具備相關的政治專業知識,決策分析與學術研究的能力。This course is a compulsory course for the PhD and Masters classes in the Institute of Politics. Its content mainly explores the competitive relationship between Constitutionalism and Democracy. Democratic politics advocates the majority rule to maintain the majority will, while political theories emphasize limiting the majority to protect the minority rights. The two are essentially conflicting. Therefore, how to ensure a small number based on the majority of democratic politics has become the main dispute of Constitutional Democracy. This course aims to illustrate the lies of these disputes and introduce different forms of political democracy, so as to hope that students can have relevant political expertise and ability to decide analysis and academic research.
本課程乃是政治研究所博士班與碩士班的必修課程。其內容主要在探討憲政主義(Constitutionalism)與民主政治(Democracy)之間的競合關係。蓋民主政治主張多數統治,以維護多數意志,而憲政主義則強調限制多數,以保障少數權利,兩者在本質上是相互衝突的。因此,如何在民主政治多數統治的基礎上來保障少數,即成為憲政民主(Constitutional Democracy)的主要爭議。本課程旨在說明這些爭議的所在,並介紹憲政民主的不同形態,以期學生具備相關的政治專業知識,決策分析與學術研究的能力。
This course is a compulsory course for the PhD and Masters classes in the Institute of Politics. Its content mainly explores the competitive relationship between Constitutionalism and Democracy. Democratic politics advocates the majority rule to maintain the majority will, while political theories emphasize limiting the majority to protect the minority rights. The two are essentially conflicting. Therefore, how to ensure a small number based on the majority of democratic politics has become the main dispute of Constitutional Democracy. This course aims to illustrate the lies of these disputes and introduce different forms of political democracy, so as to hope that students can have relevant political expertise and ability to decide analysis and academic research.
(1) Cheibub, Jose Antonio. 2007. Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
(2) Clucas, Richard A. and Melody Ellis Valdini. 2015. The Character of Democracy: How Institutions Shape Politics. New York: Oxford University.
(3) Elgie, Robert. ed. 1999. Semi-Presidentialism in Europe. New York: Oxford University.
(4) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2001. Divided Government in Comparative Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.
(5) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2007. Semi-Presidentialism outside Europe. New York: Routledge.
(6) Ginsburg, Tom and Aziz Z. Huq. 2018. How to Save a Constitutional Democracy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(7) Graber, Mark A., Sanford Levinson, and Mark Tushnet. eds. 2018. Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? New York: Oxford University Press.
(8) Lijphart, Arend. 2012. Patterns of Democracy: Government forms and Performance in Thirty-six Countries. New Haven: Yale University Press.
(9) Papadopoulos, Yannis. 2013. Democracy in Crisis? Politics, Governance and Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
(10) Qvortrup, Matt. 2013. Direct Democracy: A comparative study of the theory and practice of government by the people. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
(11) 任冀平(2014),<司法審查存立的制度性基礎>,(全球政治評論)第48期,頁27~62。
(12) 任冀平(2011),<法院與政治:美國司法政治初探>,(全球政治評論)第33期,頁73~95。
(13) 沈有忠(2012),<通往議會制之路─德國國會的憲政定位與政黨政治>,(臺灣民主季刊)第9卷第2期,頁39~69。
(14) 吳玉山 (2016),<半總統制與策略性修憲>,(政治科學論叢)第69期,頁1~26。
(15) 吳玉山 (2011),<半總統制:全球發展與研究議程>,(政治科學論叢)第47期,頁1~32。
(16) 吳重禮(2006),<美國分立政府的運作經驗及其啟示>,(問題與研究)第45卷第3期,頁133~166。
(17) 張芳華 (2015),<制度因素與非制度因素對民主崩潰的影響:46個半總統制國家的經驗研究>,(政治科學論叢)第66期,頁111~146。
(18) 彭錦鵬,(2001),<總統制是可取的制度嗎?>,(政治科學論叢)第十四期,頁75-106。
(19) 郝培芝 (2013),<半總統制的演化:總統話與內閣不穩定>,(問題與研究)第52卷第1期,頁101~141。
(20) 郝培芝 (2010),<法國半總統制的演化:法國2008年修憲的憲政影響分析>,(問題與研究)第49卷第2期,頁65~98。
(21) 張峻豪(2011),< 半總統制運作類型的跨國研究>,(問題與研究)第50卷第2期,頁107~142。
(22) 黃秀端(2003),<少數政府在國會的困境>,(台灣政治學刊)第7卷第2期,頁3~49。
(23) 盛杏媛、黃世豪 (2017),<黨團協商機制:從制度化觀點分析>,(東吳政治學報)第35卷第1期
(1) Cheibub, Jose Antonio. 2007. Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
(2) Clucas, Richard A. and Melody Ellis Valdini. 2015. The Character of Democracy: How Institutions Shape Politics. New York: Oxford University.
(3) Elgie, Robert. ed. 1999. Semi-Presidentialism in Europe. New York: Oxford University.
(4) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2001. Divided Government in Comparative Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.
(5) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2007. Semi-Presidentialism outside Europe. New York: Routledge.
(6) Ginsburg, Tom and Aziz Z. Huq. 2018. How to Save a Constitutional Democracy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(7) Graber, Mark A., Sanford Levinson, and Mark Tushnet. eds. 2018. Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? New York: Oxford University Press.
(8) Lijphart, Arend. 2012. Patterns of Democracy: Government forms and Performance in Thirty-six Countries. New Haven: Yale University Press.
(9) Papadopoulos, Yannis. 2013. Democracy in Crisis? Politics, Governance and Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
(10) Qvortrup, Matt. 2013. Direct Democracy: A comparative study of the theory and practice of government by the people. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
(11) Ren Jiping (2014),
(12) Ren Jiping (2011),
(13) Shen Youzhong (2012),
(14) Wu Yushan (2016),
(15) Wu Yushan (2011),
(16) Wu Chongrong (2006),
(17) Zhang Fanghua (2015),
(18) Peng Yu, (2001),
(20) Hao Peizhi (2010),
(21) Zhang Junhao (2011),
(22) Huang Xiuduan (2003),
(23) Sheng Xingyuan and Huang Shihao (2017),
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
60 | 書面及口頭報告,並參與討論 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 |