本課程是針對欲學習Python應用程式開發的軟體專業人員所設計的入門課程。課程內容著重在教導同學學習並了解Python物件導向程式語言,熟悉Python開發工具的操作以並可撰寫簡單的Python應用程式,並進一步學習Python資料科學方法,以及檔案讀寫、資料處理、資料分析、視覺化、網頁爬蟲等相關套件的使用與處理步驟,以訓練同學在未來可實作進階的財金大數據運算分析或資料科學專案。This course is an entry-level course designed for software professionals who want to learn Python applications. The course content focuses on teaching classmates and understanding Python object-oriented programming language, familiarizing themselves with the operation of Python development tools, and writing simple Python applications, and further learning Python data science methods, as well as file reading, data processing, data analysis, The use and processing steps of related suites such as visualization, web crawling, etc., to train students who can implement advanced financial data computing analysis or data science projects in the future.
Teaching and scientific books will be notified separately after starting.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
20 | 如以下說明。 |
程式作業程式作業 Programming |
80 | 次數不限,每次作業配分另行公布。 |