course information of 109 - 2 | 6019 Special Subject Study of Securities Trade Practice(證券交易實務專題研討)

6019 - 證券交易實務專題研討 Special Subject Study of Securities Trade Practice

教育目標 Course Target

「學而不思則罔,思而不學則怠」,是以,學術專業無法排除於實務應用之外,這是教導學生對證券市場由實務應用出發,學生經由實際案例,搜集資料、撰寫、分析,提出對存在問題之解決及建議,上台報告、分享研究心得,再加上報告解析、講評方式。使學生能對證券市場實務作業作更深度接觸,予以理解與貫通,以思考解決問題意識出發,區別證券市場不同作業不同規範之異同,也才能真正掌握證券市場之實務作業應用精髓。爰此,經由此種專題實務應用案例報告學習方式應有助於學生思維的培養的訓練,進而建立解決實務問題之能力。"Learn without thinking without thinking, thinking without learning without learning without learning", therefore, academic profession cannot be excluded from practical applications. This is to teach students to develop the securities market from practical applications, and students collect information and write through practical cases. , analyze, put forward solutions and suggestions for existing problems, go to the stage to report, share research experience, and add report analysis and comment methods. Only by enabling students to have a deeper understanding of the actual operation of the securities market, understand and communicate with each other, and think about solving problems and understand the different aspects of different operations in the securities market, can they truly grasp the essence of the practical application of the securities market. Therefore, this method of learning about professional practical application case reports should help students to cultivate their thinking and develop their ability to solve practical problems.

參考書目 Reference Books

新證券交易法實例研習 劉連煜 ISBN:9789862558225
最新證券交易法解析:股市遊戲規則 賴英照 ISBN:9789574166596
誰怕內線交易 賴英照著 ISBN: 9789574349487
內線交易構成要件 劉連煜 ISBN:9789574194025
證券市場-理論與實務(三版) 邱靖博 ISBN:9789866684494
案例式證券金融法令 正源國際法律事務所 ISBN:9867737539
證券交易法律風險探測 施茂林 ISBN:9789571195049
選任獨立董事與公司治理 劉連煜等 ISBN:9789862553190
現代公司法 劉連煜著 ISBN:9789574358908
公司法論 王文宇著 ISBN:9789575110260
昨是今非-企業與金融的法思拾掇 謝易宏 ISBN:9789571166445
秋去春來─經典財經案例選粹 謝易宏 ISBN:9789571166469
流金華年-經典財經案例選粹 謝易宏 ISBN:9789571162799

Study on the new securities trading law Liu Lianyu ISBN: 9789862558225
Analysis of the latest securities trading method: Stock market game rules Feng Ying's photo ISBN: 9789574166596
Who is afraid of internal transactions? Zhao Ying wrote on ISBN: 9789574349487
Interior transaction structure requirements Liu Lianyu ISBN: 9789574194025
Securities Market - Theory and Practice (Three Editions) Qiu Jingbo ISBN: 9789866684494
Case-based Securities and Finance Act Zhengyuan International Legal Firm ISBN: 9867737539
Exploration of legal risks in securities trading Shi Maolin ISBN: 9789571195049
Selection of independent directors and corporate governance Liu Lianyu et al. ISBN: 9789862553190
Modern Company Law by Liu Lianyu ISBN: 9789574358908
Company Legal Affairs by Wang Wenyu ISBN: 9789575110260
Yesterday's time and today's failure - the law of enterprise and finance Xie Yihong ISBN: 9789571166445
Autumn goes and spring comes - classic financial case selection Xie Yihong ISBN: 9789571166469
The Year of the Golden Flower - Selection of Classical Financial Case Xie Yihong ISBN: 9789571162799

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Study period report
40 ,學生必須對「證券市場實務專題」提出書面報告,字數不得少於五千字。評分標準依撰寫內容、文章結構、創新性及有無自己看法,四部分評分。
Class discussion
40 學生必須上台報告,並擔任其他同學報告之講評者及參與討論。評分標準依上台同學表達能力,準備程度,對其他同學報告評論及參與討論情形,四部分評分
Final report
20 繳交修正後之書面報告,此部分只作形式審核有無繳交修正後報告。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6,7,8[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:林振東
修課班級 Class:財金碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:隔週上課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 7 人。

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