ポイント1:どの国で? ポイント2:どんな立場で? ポイント3:ホスト社会とはどのような関わりをすることになりそう?
本科目で言う移動とは「人の移動」に限らず,人,工業製品や文化的生産物などのモノの移動,情報,資本などの移動も含むものです.また国境によって区切られた国民国家を跨ぐ移動のみではなく,国民国家内部における移動もその視野におさめられています. 移住労働,留学,故国喪失,難民,強制移住など様々な移動における諸アクターたちの生活の場の築き方,移動する人々と移動を受け入れる人々によるいわゆるゲスト-ホスト関係の多様性,「出身地」「移住先」も含めた移動に関わる諸アクターたちによる公共的な議論,物質(物資)・人間関係・文化等の(再)生産と移動の関係,などを取りあげます.受講者・講師自身の移動(体験)も重要な考察対象となります.
・受講生の皆さんの移動と言語・溝通・文化・社会についての関心事も持ち寄りながらともに教え合い学びましょうThe progress of the modern era of reform and opening up, and now, whether or not personal hopes are there, it is a private matter. Who knows the internal borders of the country and the possibility of moving across the border?
Question: Are you a foreigner or a foreigner, a social worker or a social worker?
ポイント1:どの国で?ポイント2:どんな's position?ポイント3: ホスト社とはどのような关わりをすることになりそう?
→ I think about it and react to it
・Heart-matching です・・・
・「Private man」
・「Private and different things are different」
・"Difference between Shifang and Renjian"
・「Private relationshipがない」
Japan and Taiwan's general trendの「外にルーツをholderつ人々」が木らしています. He / that girl is a "foreign life" and is a private person.にも Physically close に rise こ り got る こ と と し て catch え る こ と か ら think を 开 め て み ま し ょ う.
This subject is based on the movement of people, the movement of people, industrial products, and cultural products, the movement of information, the movement of capital, and the movement of capital.またnational border によって区 られた国国をcross ぐmovable のみではなく, における movable within the national country もそのView におさめられています. Moving to Guangzhou, studying abroad, loss of homeland, refugee, forced migration to the country The living field is built in the square, the moving person is moved and received, the person is moved in and the person is moved into the building, and the person is moved and received. There are many characteristics of the relationship, "place of origin" and "immigration first". Discussion, the (re)production and movement of materials (materials), human relations, culture, etc. The movement (experience) of the lecturer and lecturer is important and the object of inspection is the same.
This year, Taiwan, Japan, Japan, and other countries are the center of the country, and the area is a foreign country. "Life support, specializing in language acquisition, language acquisition, cultural inheritance, system, etc. The following learning process is predetermined.
(1) From the viewpoint of Makoto "Movement" and "International Migration", the theory of "Movement" and "International Migration", "Grasp" and "Reproduction Theory", etc.
(2) Foreign spouse, foreign worker, foreigner’s education
(3) "Foreign language master" and communication between the foreign language master and the person who practices it
・Mobile speech (learning) support
・Inheritance of the mother tongue of the mover・Inheritance of the mother culture
・Government・Administration・NGO/NPO service・Speech support
・Multi-lingualization of disaster prevention information
・The formation of multi-lingual scenery・あり方の検 Discussion
・Speech, communication, culture, society, care and attention, education, communication, and education
Borders separate countries and citizens. It not only focuses on cross-border national countries, but also focuses on the movement within national countries. Of course, the object is not limited to the movement of human beings, but also includes the movement of industrial manufactured goods and products, information, and money. . Make a critical discussion of the facts and related discussions of the above moves.
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評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
20 | 遅刻欠席は大幅減点(一個小時2点減点) |
授業活動授業活動 Teaching activities |
10 | 授業への積極的参加,資料等の提示,議論の方向付けなど |
交流活動交流活動 Exchange activities |
10 | 交流活動への積極的関与 |
授業報告授業報告 Teaching report |
15 | 授業報告(学術性・日本語表現も重視する) |
レポートレポート レポート |
35 | 期末レポート(学術性・日本語表現も重視する) |