course information of 109 - 2 | 5144 Ideological Changes in Modern China(近代中國的意識型態變遷)

5144 - 近代中國的意識型態變遷 Ideological Changes in Modern China

教育目標 Course Target

近代中國的意識型態變遷 (Ideological Changes in Modern China) 丘為君 東海大學歷史研究所 echiu@thu.edu.tw TEL: ext 31306 office hour: Wed. 3-5pm or by appointment 課程說明:本課程主要是從「意識型態變遷」(ideological changes)的宏觀角度,來透視近代中國的思想發展(1840-1940)。本課程有三大目標。第一,不從傳統的「觀念史」(history of idea),而是從政治社會學(political sociology)和知識社會學(sociology of knowledge)角度,來檢視近代中國的思想發展。第二,扣緊當代世界主流研究者的研究方向、研究議題,與研究方法;第三,認識近代中國政治、社會,與人文思潮變遷的特質與意義。 本課程基本上係針對計畫以「近代中國」作為研究領域的研究生(不限於歷史學系專業學生)而設計的,它希望為學生提供一個「研究介面」,讓他們/她們藉由對近代中國深層思想結構的理解,而在未來可以更從容地深入「近代中國」的研究專題。另外,這一課程將盡可能地與當代的「近代中國」研究主流相結合。透過引進當代世界代表性區域的近代中國研究主要成果,本課程希望能幫助準研究者建構一個具有世界觀的認識「近代中國」研究理論架構。 本課程旨在探討知識份子與近代中國主要意識型態現象間的互動關係。相關子題包含有:帝國主義、民族主義、社會達爾文主義、民主主義、無政府主義、啟蒙與反傳統主義、科學主義、自由主義、馬克思主義、新傳統主義、共產主義、毛澤東主義等。 1. Class Organization 2. 意識型態通論 3. 帝國主義 4. 民族主義 5. 論文指導(no class) 6. 社會達爾文主義 7. 民主主義 8. 無政府主義 9. 啟蒙與反傳統主義 10. 科學主義 11. 自由主義 12. 論文指導(no class) 13. 浪漫主義 14. 馬克思主義 15. 新傳統主義 16. 毛澤東主義 17. Class Review and Term paper discussion 18. Class Review and Term paper discussion The change of consciousness patterns in modern China (Ideological Changes in Modern China) Qiu Weijun Institute of History, Donghai University echiu@thu.edu.tw TEL: ext 31306 office hour: Wed. 3-5pm or by appointment Course description: This course mainly reflects the ideological development of modern China (1840-1940) from the macro perspective of "ideological changes". This course has three major goals. First, we should not examine the ideological development in modern China from the perspective of traditional "history of ideas", but from the perspective of political sociology and knowledge. Second, it emphasizes the research direction, research topics, and research methods of mainstream researchers in the contemporary world; third, it understands the characteristics and meanings of modern Chinese politics, society, and humanistic trends. This course is basically designed for graduate students in the research field with "Modern China" (not limited to professional students in the history department). It hopes to provide students with a "research interface" so that they/they can use modern times to meet modern times The understanding of China's deep-level ideological structure can be more inclined to in-depth research topics of "Modern China". In addition, this course will be as likely as possible to integrate with the contemporary mainstream research of "Modern China". Through the introduction of the main results of modern China research into representative areas of the contemporary world, this course hopes to help researchers to construct a world-renowned research theoretical framework for understanding "Modern China". This course aims to explore the interaction between intellectuals and major ideological phenomena in modern China. Related sub-topics include: imperialism, nationalism, social Dalvinism, democraticism, government-freeism, inspiration and anti-traditionalism, scientificism, liberalism, Marxism, new traditionism, communism, Mao Zedongism, etc. 1. Class Organization 2. Conversation on Identity Types 3. Imperialism 4. Nationalism 5. No class 6. Social Dalvinism 7. Democracy 8. No governmentalism 9. Encouragement and anti-traditionalism 10. Scientific theory 11. Liberalism 12. No class 13. Romanticism 14. Marxism 15. New Traditionalism 16. Mao Zedong's doctrine 17. Class Review and Term paper discussion 18. Class Review and Term paper discussion

參考書目 Reference Books

1st week: Class Organization

2nd week:意識型態通論 Introduction to Ideology
READING: 金觀濤 & 劉青峰,<中國文化的意識形態牢籠>,《二十一世紀》,9 民81.02 頁27-42;

3rd Week: 帝國主義 Imperialism
READING: 魏斐德,《大門口的陌生人》(北京 ﹕中國社會科學出版社, 1988)

4th Week: 民族主義 Nationalism
READING: 杜贊奇 (Prasenjit Duara), 《從民族國家拯救歷史:民族主義話語與中國現代史研究》(北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2003)

5th week: 社會達爾文主義 Social Darwinism
READING: James Reeve Pusey, 鍾永強譯,《中國與達爾文》 (China and Charles Darwin) (南京:江蘇人民出版社,2008);

6th week: 民主主義 Democracy
READING: 林啟彥,《步向民主: 中國知識份子與近代民主思潮》 (HK: 中華, 1989);

7th week: 無政府主義 Anarchism
READING: Michael Gasster, <辛亥革命前的無政府主義者> in 蕭公權等著, 《近代中國思想人物論: 社會主義》 (台北: 時報, 1980), pp.135-158; 小野川秀美, <劉師培與無政府主義> in his《晚清政治思想研究》 (台北: 時報, 1982), pp.360-92;

8th week: 啟蒙與反傳統主義
READING: Vera Schwarcz,《中國啟蒙運動》(The Chinese Enlightenment) (台北:桂冠,2000)

9th week: 科學主義 Scientism
READING: 郭穎頤, 《中國現代思想中的唯科學主義, 1900-1950》(江蘇:人民出版社,1989);

10th week: 自由主義 Liberalism
READING: Jerome B. Grieder, 《胡適與中國的文藝復興: 中國革命中的自由主義, 1917-1937》(Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance: Liberalism in the Chinese Revolution, 1917-1937)(江蘇:人民出版社, 1989);

11th week: 浪漫主義
READING: 李歐梵,《中國現代作家浪漫的一代》(The Romantic generation of modern Chinese writers)(王志宏等譯),(北京:新星出版社,2005);

12th week: 馬克思主義 Marxism
READING: Martin Bernal,《1907年以前中國的社會主義思潮》(Chinese Socialism to 1907) (福建:人民出版社,1985);

13th week: 新傳統主義 Neo-traditionalism
READING: 鄭家棟,《現代新儒學概論》(廣西:廣西人民出版社,1990)

14th week: 毛澤東主義 Maoism
READING: 施拉姆(Stuart Schram),<1949年前毛澤東的思想>,《劍橋中華民國史》(第二部), (上海:上海人民出版社,1992), pp.854-943;

14th week: 毛澤東主義
READING: 施拉姆(Stuart Schram),<1949年前毛澤東的思想>,《劍橋中華民國史》(第二部), (上海:上海人民出版社,1992), pp.854-943;

1st week: Class Organization

2nd week: Ideology and Type General Introduction to Ideology
READING: Jin Jingfeng & Liu Qingfeng, , "Twenty-first Chronicles", 9 People 81.02 Pages 27-42;

3rd Week: Imperialism
READING: Wei Feide, "The Stranger at the Gate" (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1988)

4th Week: Nationalism
READING: Prasenjit Duara, "Saving History from National Nations: Research on Nationalism and Modern History of China" (Beijing: Social Sciences and Cultural Press, 2003)

5th week: Social Darwinism
READING: James Reeve Pusey, "China and Charles Darwin" (Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2008);

6th week: Democracy Democracy
READING: Lin Qiong, "Survey towards Democracy: Chinese intellectuals and modern democratic thoughts" (HK: China, 1989);

7th week: No governmentalism Anarchism
READING: Michael Gasster, in 未分类录开开公司, "Remarks on Modern Chinese Thoughts: Socialism" (Taipei: Times, 1980), pp.135-158; Hidemi Onogawa, in his "Research on Political Thoughts of the Late Qing Dynasty" (Taipei: Times, 1982), pp.360-92;

8th week: Enlightenment and anti-traditionalism
READING: Vera Schwarcz, "The Chinese Enlightenment" (Taipei: Laurel, 2000)

9th week: Scientism
READING: Guo Yu, "Scientific Ideology in Modern Chinese Thought, 1900-1950" (Jiang Su: People's Publishing House, 1989);

10th week: Liberalism
READING: Jerome B. Grieder, "Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance: Liberalism in the Chinese Revolution, 1917-1937" (Jiang Su: People's Publishing House , 1989);

11th week: Romanticism
READING: Li Efan, "The Romantic generation of modern Chinese writers" (translated by Wang Zhihong et al.), (Beijing: Xinxing Publishing House, 2005);

12th week: Marxism
READING: Martin Bernal, "Chinese Socialism to 1907" (Fujian: People's Publishing House, 1985);

13th week: New Traditionalism Neo-traditionalism
READING: Zheng Jiaqi, "About the Modern New Confucianism" (Guangxi: Guangxi People's Publishing House, 1990)

14th week: Maoism
READING: Stuart Schram, , "History of the Republic of China in the Ringqiao" (Part 2), (Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1992), pp.854-943; />
14th week: Mao Zedongism
READING: Stuart Schram, , "History of the Republic of China in the Ringqiao" (Part 2), (Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1992), pp.854-943; />

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Book reviewBook review
book review
Final paperFinal paper
Final paper
Class participationClass participation
class participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H436]
授課教師 Teacher:丘為君
修課班級 Class:歷史系3,4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:大三大四可以選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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