文學是精煉的語言文字藝術,表現了人類文明最璀璨的一頁。義大利小說家安伯托‧艾可(Umberto Eco)說過:「建構一個由無數事件與人物組成的世界,無法鉅細靡遺,面面俱到,只能提示,然後由讀者自行去填滿所有的縫隙。每一個文本,就像我以前寫過的,都是部疏懶的機器,要求讀者也分擔部分工作。」一部完美的作品,少了讀者的閱讀,實在無法堪稱完整。拜科技之賜,訊息騰捷的結果卻剝奪了人們靜心閱讀的樂趣,反而使得芸芸眾生迷失於浩瀚的數位汪洋,輕易被枝節的訊息海浪所淹沒。
本課程期許學員優遊於文學之際,能夠以個體生命重返生活場域,恣意徜徉文學場景,再現作家之筆於足下。探索生命真諦之餘,終能圓滿回歸心靈原鄉。本課程計有四個單元,包含字謎與謎格、游(旅行、飲食)、自然、跨域等主題,配合單元主題施以個人習作與分組報告,誘發自我學習與創作的動力,建構人我之間的良好溝通渠道。Literature is the refined art of language and writing, expressing the most brilliant page of human civilization. The Italian novelist Umberto Eco once said: “To construct a world composed of countless events and characters, we cannot be exhaustive and cover every aspect. We can only provide hints, and then it is up to the readers to fill in all the gaps. . Every text, like what I have written before, is a lazy machine, requiring the reader to share some of the work. "A perfect work cannot be complete without the reader's reading. Thanks to technology, the speed of information has deprived people of the pleasure of reading quietly. Instead, all living beings have been lost in the vast digital ocean, easily drowned by the waves of irrelevant information.
This course hopes that students can travel freely in literature, return to the field of life with their individual lives, wander around literary scenes at will, and reproduce the author's pen with just one step. After exploring the true meaning of life, you can finally return to your spiritual homeland satisfactorily. This course consists of four units, including crossword puzzles and riddles, travel (travel, food), nature, cross-domain and other themes. Individual exercises and group reports are carried out in accordance with the unit themes, stimulating the motivation of self-learning and creation, and constructing the human self. good communication channels between.
Self-edited teaching materials
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中成績期中成績 Midterm results |
25 | 期中考(分組企劃報告) |
期末成績期末成績 final grade |
25 | 期末考(分組成果報告) |
出席成績出席成績 Attendance results |
25 | 上課點名、學習態度 |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
25 | 隨堂測驗、網路作業 |