本課程是為建立學生正確操作微軟知識工作軟體所設計.透過實際的案例分享與實機操作示範,建構正確的軟體操作態度與技巧.本課程由Office工具與雲端技術運用兩大主軸建構. Office工具 Word / PowerPoint / Excel 為主.授課版本為 Office 365 (東海已經為所有在校學生準備好Office 365使用權,課堂會說明如何安裝).This course is designed to establish students' correct operation of microsoft knowledge work software. Through actual case sharing and practical operation demonstration, correct software operation conditions and skills are constructed. This course is constructed by Office tools and cloud technology using two main axes. Office Tools Word / PowerPoint / Excel are the main ones. The course version is Office 365 (Tonghai has prepared the use of Office 365 for all students on campus, and the class will explain how to install it).
從樞紐分析到大數據分析:Power Query、Power Pivot、Power View、Power Map應用解析
From New Year analysis to large data analysis: Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Map application analysis
Word essays and reports writing practice
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
作業作業 Action |
35 | 課後作業練習須按時繳交,以確保學習成果. |
心得報告心得報告 Experience report |
30 | 將課程所學利用課程技巧記錄下來,並整理成報告. |
隨堂考隨堂考 In the exam |
35 | 課中不定時抽考 |