course information of 109 - 2 | 3385 Medicine Today and Health Management(多元與議題導向:當代醫學暨健康管理)

3385 - 多元與議題導向:當代醫學暨健康管理 Medicine Today and Health Management

教育目標 Course Target

醫學是一門現代社會不可或缺的科學,它不僅處理個人健康的問題,也是現代政府公共服務重要的一環,更是一項新興的產業。醫學也不僅僅是一門科學,隨著時代的變遷,它與倫理、法律等議題也相關。醫療行為不只是科學證據的實踐,在整個過程中也必須有充分人文的關懷。因此醫學是現代社會不可或缺的一門專業,與每一個人的生活息息相關。 本課程除由學有專精的的臨床醫師,教授個人專業領域相關疾病醫療保健問題,並將現代IE智慧運用於大數據醫學領域上及精準醫療等現代醫療熱門題目。 本課程目標除提供重要醫藥保健知識外,也會探討疾病診療與公共政策相關議題,並觸及現代醫學發展趨勢,藉此提供學生生涯與職涯更寬闊的視野。 Medicine is an indispensable science in modern society. It not only deals with personal health problems, but also an important circle of modern government public services, but also a new industry. Medicine is not only a science, but also related to ethics, law and other issues as the times change. Medical behavior is not just a scientific evidence, but also a sufficient humanistic concern throughout the process. Therefore, medicine is an indispensable profession in modern society and is closely related to everyone's life. In addition to teaching personal professional medical care issues related to disease related medical care in a professional field, this course also uses modern IE intelligence to apply modern medical topics such as large-scale medical fields and precise medical treatment. In addition to providing important medical care knowledge, this course aims to explore issues related to disease diagnosis and public policy, and to explore modern medical development trends, thereby providing a broader vision of student career and career.

參考書目 Reference Books

四、以脈為師: 科學解讀脈波曲線, 以脈診分析治未病: 王唯工著 商周出版.
1. Guns, germs and steel wires: The fate of human society [20th Anniversary Collection Commemorative Edition]
2. Make an appointment. Say goodbye: Let us talk about it again in the final exam in life
3. The last 14 Tuesday classes [20th Anniversary Commemoration Edition]
4. Take cyst as a teacher: Scientifically interpret the reading of cyst wave curves, and use cyst diagnosis to cure diseases before treatment: Written by Wang Weigong and published by Shang and Zhou dynasties.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
35 1. 繳交心得報告。格式為A4,字體為標楷體。 2. 題目為對於期中考前最有印象課程之心得報告 3. 選兩個主題,以3張A4為限。期中報告請寄給傅彬貴老師yetquen@gmail.com 4. 時間為期中考周後第一個上課日晚上12:00以前,上傳iLearn。
Final exam
35 1. 繳交心得報告。格式為A4,字體為標楷體。 2. 題目為對於期中考後最有印象課程之心得。 3. 選兩個主題,以3張A4為限。期中報告請寄給蔡嘉一老師citsai777@gmail.com 4. 時間為期末考周後最後一天晚上12:00以前,上傳iLearn
Class discussion and performance
30 15% 為期中考前表現 15% 為期中考後表現 評分方式為課堂發言及出席率。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[HT007]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡嘉一/傅彬貴
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 88 人。

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