課程目標在於培養「非資訊領域學生」具備AI思維與程式設計能力,成為對科技應用具有廣泛認知的跨域創新人才,提昇未來職場競爭力。本課程以流程圖為導向的程式設計教學方式,逐步教導學生瞭解Python程式語法、學習AI相關新知與PBL案例實作體驗。完成本課程後學生將有能力自主學習AI程式開發,並進修高階相關課程。The purpose of the course is to cultivate "non-information domain students" with AI thinking and programming capabilities, become a cross-domain innovative talent with extensive knowledge of technology applications, and improve future career competition. This course uses process diagram-oriented programming teaching methods to gradually teach students to understand Python programming syntax, learn new AI-related knowledge and PBL case practice experience. After completing this course, students will be able to learn and develop AI programs independently and take advanced related courses.
Mainly self-edited textbooks
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂出席課堂出席 Class attendance |
20 | |
期中作業期中作業 Midterm operation |
25 | |
平時作業及課堂表現平時作業及課堂表現 Normal work and class performance |
30 | |
期末專題期末專題 Final topics |
25 |