說謊是錯的嗎?為什麼誠實是對的,不誠實是錯的?快樂就是幸福嗎?我們應該與貧困的人分享財富嗎?這些具體的問題很自然出現在我們的生活中,生活在不同文化與社會的人也都會碰到這些問題。它們都是涉及是非、對錯、善惡與正義等倫理學的問題,像是社會上的道德規範是否具有普遍的約束力,還是相對於不同的社會而有不同?道德規範的約束力從何而來?人為什麼要道德?我們進而追問:上述問題中的規範字詞,像是「對」、「錯」、「善」與「應該」的意義究竟是什麼?在本課程中,我們會以數個倫理學理論(例如效益論、義務論、利己主義)為立足點探討上述的倫理問題,具體而言,就是了解這些理論與立場,通過課堂的討論(並適當引入電影片段),釐清倫理概念,思考它們的合理性,並將相關的倫理概念帶入現實的問題中進行分析,像是死刑、生態保存、動物權、基因複製、安樂死等問題。在討論的過程中,鼓勵同學質疑自己的倫理立場,最後培養同學在日常運用理性與論證進行倫理決策的能力。總而言之,目標有三:1.引導學生分析倫理概念;2.展示主要倫理學理論的論證如何回答倫理問題;3.學生學會應用哲學技巧(基本技巧包括:批判式閱讀理解、重述論證)分析倫理問題。在充分了解到上述目標與學習期待之後,學生就可以更有自信掌握自己的學習過程與分數。為了達成上述目標,學生的課前準備以及出席上課就是必要的,課前準備包括花時間閱讀、註記、提問,出席課堂主要是聆聽與參與討論,將課前準備應用在討論上。Is the right to be wrong? Why is honest and wrong? Is happiness a happy one? Should we share our wealth with those in need? These specific problems naturally arise in our lives, and people living in different cultures and societies also encounter these problems. They all involve ethical issues such as right and wrong, controversy, goodness and justice. For example, do social moral regulations have universal binding force, or are they different from different societies? Where does the binding force of moral regulations come from? Why do people need morality? We followed up: What exactly do the regular words in the above question, such as "right", "error", "good" and "should" mean? In this course, we will explore the above ethical problems based on several ethical theories (such as benefit theory, moral theory, and self-interest) as our foundation. Specifically, we understand these theories and standpoints, through the discussion in the classroom (and Appropriately when introducing video clips), clarify the concepts of ethics, think about their rationality, and bring relevant ethics concepts into real problems for analysis, such as death penalty, ecological preservation, animal rights, gene copying, and tranquil death. During the discussion, students are encouraged to doubt their ethical position, and finally cultivate their ability to use rationality and argumentative evidence to make ethical decisions in daily life. In summary, there are three goals: 1. Instruct students to analyze the concept of ethics; 2. Show how the main ethics theory of the proof of answering ethics questions; 3. Students will apply philosophical skills (basic skills include: critical reading and understanding, restatement of the proof of ethics) to analyze ethics problem. After fully understanding the above goals and learning expectations, students can be more confident in mastering their learning processes and scores. In order to achieve the above goals, students' pre-class preparation and attending classes are necessary. Pre-class preparation includes taking time to read, note, and ask questions. Attending classes is mainly about listening and participating, and applying pre-class preparations to discussions.
E. J. Bond (譯者:洪如玉、王俊斌、黃藿): 《倫理學與幸福人生:道德哲學導論》,台北市:學富,2012。
E. J. Bond (translator: Hong Ruyu, Wang Junbin, Huang Huo): "Ethics and Happy Life: A Preface to Moral Philosophy", Taipei City: Learning Rich, 2012.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
25 | 席一次一分,全勤25分。 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
35 | 申論題 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
40 | 申論題 |