course information of 109 - 2 | 1892 Media Relations and Public(媒體經營與公共事務)

1892 - 媒體經營與公共事務 Media Relations and Public

教育目標 Course Target

本課程所指涉的媒體經營,並非經營媒體事業而是經營媒體關係,因為身處現代社會,可以說幾乎所有人都籠罩在大眾傳播的場域中,無時無刻都受到大眾傳播的影響,而這些影響有正面也有負面,甚至透過大眾傳播媒體所釋放的訊息也可能有真有假,我們該如何判斷訊息的真偽以做為生活或行為的依據,似乎成為現代人都會面臨的問題.另一方面,由於大眾傳播的特性及其功能,使得媒體成為三權之外的第四權,可以讓人一夕爆紅,也可以讓人瞬間身敗名裂,因之讓許多人對之又愛又恨,愛的是只要受到媒體關注,幾乎不花什麼成本即可享受到萬眾矚目的榮耀,恨的是,這個龐大的組織難以駕馭,有時還翻臉如翻書,昨日將你捧上天,今日可能把你踩落地,而偏偏我們又無法無視它的存在,且難以擺脫它的影響.因此無論公部門還是私人企業,總是極盡能事地一味討好,總希望能將其納為己用.所以本課程的主要目的就是希望讓大家從媒體的特性去瞭解:媒體想要什麼?怎麼做能影響媒體的報導方向?當遭遇到媒體的近距離採訪時,如何讓媒體站在自己這方,至少保持中立,不讓自己陷入萬劫不復的地步.在課程的安排上從瞭解傳播理論及其社會功能,進而探討新聞是如何產出,如何分辨真假,如何與媒體建立關係到如何以公關的手法化解新聞危機,讓大家瞭解媒體的真象.The media business involved in this course is not a media business but a media relationship. Because in modern society, it can be said that almost everyone is surrounded by the public's communication field and is affected by the public's communication at any time and at any time. These There are both positive and negative effects, and even through the public media The messages posted may also be true or false. How should we judge the truth of the messages to be a basis for life or behavior seems to be a problem that modern people will face. On the other hand, due to the characteristics and functions of the public's propagation, the The media has become the fourth right besides the three rights, which can make people burst into flames overnight, or It makes people lose their reputation in an instant, so many people love and hate each other. What they love is that as long as they are paid attention to by the media, they can enjoy the honor of thousands of people without spending any cost. What they hate is that this huge organization is difficult to control. Sometimes I look like a book, I will hold you to heaven yesterday, but I may trampl you down today However, we cannot ignore its existence and cannot eliminate its influence. Therefore, whether it is public or private enterprises, we always try our best to do it and hope to use it for ourselves. Therefore, this course The main purpose is to let everyone understand from the characteristics of the media: what does the media want? How to influence the media's reporting direction? When encountering close-range access from the media, how to make the media stand on its own side, at least stay neutral, and not fall into a state of endless disaster. Understand the communication theory and Its social function further explores how news is produced, how to distinguish the truth from the false, how to establish relationships with the media, and how to resolve news crisis through public relations, so that everyone can understand the truth of the media.

參考書目 Reference Books

三.楊志弘 周金福譯.大眾傳播理論:基礎,發展與未來.台北:華泰文化事業股份有限公司.
1. Li Jinyan. Public communication theory. Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2005 revised third edition.
2. Weng Xiuqi. Public spread theory and practice. Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, June 2, 2007.
3. Yang Zhihong Zhou Jinfu. Public communication theory: foundation, development and future. Taipei: Huatai Cultural Affairs Co., Ltd..
4. Bu Zhengmin. Public Relations--Government Public Countries Decision Management. Taipei: Yangzhi Cultural Affairs Company, 2003.
5. Liu Jianshu. Modern Public Relations. Taipei: Zhisheng Cultural Affairs Company, 2005.
6. Sun Xiuhui. Public relations: theory, strategy and research examples. Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau, 1997.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Regular achievements

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[SS109]
授課教師 Teacher:黃文明
修課班級 Class:行政系2-4
選課備註 Memo:行政管理創新學群(選修)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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