本課程以搖滾樂作為媒介來介紹當代政治思想。由於搖滾樂是流行音樂中,廣受歡迎的形式,藉由搖滾樂的發展及演變,結合當代政治思想的演進,除了可以提昇學生興趣外,也達到介紹當代政治思想的目標。Through the swaying as a medium, students have a new understanding of the thinking of contemporary political thought.
This course introduces contemporary political thoughts using swaying as a medium. Because slinging is a popular form among popular music, through the development and evolution of slinginging, combined with the evolution of contemporary political thought, not only can enhance students' interest, but also achieve the goal of introducing contemporary political thought.
Announced in class
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常分數平常分數 Normal score |
40 | (1)自選演唱會撰寫心得,12月底繳交(10%) (2)在地搖滾節觀察分析,期中考週繳交(20%) (3)出席率(10%) *一次缺席扣3分 不補點 (4)隨堂分享歌曲(一次加總分3分) |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | (認養課堂影片分組口頭報告) |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 筆試 |