課程將以美國政治為出發,綜覽全球六大洲(亞洲Asia、歐洲Europe、非洲Africa、大洋洲Oceania、拉丁美洲Latin America、北美洲North America)與中東地區的政治局勢與區域現勢探究。課程分為兩段,前半學期先以理論基礎打底,後半學期隨著時事來探究各區域政治。同時也著重在宗教間、部落間、意識形態間的衝突,聚焦在分離主義、世俗化路線分歧、恐怖主義、種族屠殺等爭議,並且要求同學收看並且整理國際新聞,與世界脈動同步,享受一個地球村的公民身分。本課程為英文授課,課程約有一半的時間進行英文講解,後半段時間轉為中文重點摘要與討論,但英文底子不好的同學仍然能夠藉由配合教師課程設計跟上課程,英文理解程度也非課程給分標準,而是同學上課的參與和態度是關鍵。The course will be developed based on American politics, and explore the political affairs and regional developments of six continents around the world (Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, Latin America, North America, North America) and the Central East. The course is divided into two sections. The first half of the year is based on theoretical foundation, and the second half of the year explores the politics of each region according to current affairs. At the same time, it also focuses on conflicts between religion, tribal, and ideological forms, focusing on disputes such as separation, secular route differences, terrorism, and genocide. It also requires students to watch and organize international news, synchronize with the world, and enjoy a Citizenship of the Global Village. This course is taught in English, and about half of the course is used to explain English, and the second half of the time is converted into Chinese key points summary and discussion. However, students with poor English background can still keep up with the course by cooperating with the teacher's course design, and their English understanding is also It is not a course that gives a score standard, but the participation and attitude of students in class are the key.
Mainly speaking,
In addition, whether any teaching and science teacher announced in the classroom.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
到課率到課率 Class Rate |
20 | 到課率在這堂選修課中很重要 |
上課互動上課互動 Interaction in class |
5 | 與老師、同學對話 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | 筆試 |
上課分組報告上課分組報告 Classroom report |
10 | 上課前報告 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
35 | 期末特定國家情勢分析 |