本課程為政治學系國際關係組基礎課程,其目的在培養學生對國際關係的歷史發展,建立全面的認識,並透過史學的觀點,理解國際關係此一學科的重要分析方式。相較於過往區隔成西洋外交與中國外交兩個區塊,近年來相關課程的內容已逐漸由轉向整體性的國際關係史,打破國別的藩籬,以更宏觀的角度來理解全球範圍之政治脈動,以期能讓修習者建立更寬廣之視野。本課程為一學年課程,上學期主要探討由前現代到19世紀末的國際關係發展,檢視不同政治單元處理涉外關係的認知,原則與操作方式。This course is a basic course of the International Relations Organization in the Department of Political Science. Its purpose is to cultivate students' historical development of international relations, establish a comprehensive understanding, and understand the important analysis methods of international relations through historical perspectives. Compared with the past regions, which are divided into two regions: Western diplomacy and Chinese diplomacy, in recent years, the content of the relevant courses has gradually shifted from a holistic international history, breaking the different vassals, and understanding the global scope from a more grand perspective. Political initiatives are expected to allow practitioners to establish a broader vision. This course is an annual course. The first period mainly explores the development of international relations from the premodern to the end of the 19th century, and examines the understanding, principles and operation methods of handling foreign-related relations by different political units.
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林添貴(譯),Brian Crozier(原著)。(2019)。《蘇聯帝國興衰史》。台北:足智文化。
梁永安(譯),Serhii Plokhy(原著)。(2018)。《再造失去的王國:俄羅斯的帝國雄心500年史》。台北:貓頭鷹出版社
黃中憲(譯),Sean McMeekin(原著)。(2019)。《終局之戰:鄂圖曼帝國的瓦解,和現代中東的形成》。左岸文化。
睿容(譯),Niall Ferguson(原著)。(2019)。《帝國:大英帝國世界秩序的興衰以及世界給強權的啟示》。廣場出版。
何修瑜(譯),Eugene Rogan(原著)。(2016)。《鄂圖曼帝國的殞落:第一次世界大戰在中東》。台北:貓頭鷹出版社。
黃中憲(譯),Geoffrey Wawro(原著)。(2014)。《哈布斯堡的滅亡:第一次世界大戰的爆發和奧匈帝國的解體》。左岸文化。
鄧峰(譯),Margaret MacMillan(原著)。(2019)。《巴黎和會》。台北:麥田出版
Waston‚Adam, 1992. The Evolution of international society: A comparative historical analysis. Routledge.
Paine ‚ S. C. M. 2017. The Japanese empire: Grand strategy from the Meiji Restoration to the Pacific War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zhang Linzheng, "History of Modern International Relations", Taipei: Yang Zhi, 2002.
Zhang Dengji, Tang Xiaosong, Pan Chongyi, Wang Yiwei (translated), John. Milsheimer (original). 2014. "The Tragedy of National Politics". Taipei: Maitian Publishing.
Lin Tianqi, Yang Shuxin (translated), Henry Kissinger (original). (2018). "Jixinji: Great Diplomacy". Taipei: Smart culture.
Lin Tianqi (translated), Brian Crozier (original). (2019). "History of the Resurgence and Decline of the Su Federation Empire". Taipei: Smart culture.
Liang Yongan (translated), Serhii Plokhy (original). (2018). "Recreating the Lost Kingdom: 500 Years of Russian Empire's Ambitions". Taipei: Cat Head Publishing House
Wang Zengcai. (1976). "Modern History of the West". New Taipei, Zhengzhong Book Bureau.
Huang Zhongying (translation), Sean McMeekin (original). (2019). "The End War: The Disintegration of Hubei Tuman and the Formation of Modern Central East". Left Bank Culture.
Li Bixian and Hong Maoxiong. (2012). "History of Eastern and European Affairs". Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau.
Ruirong (translation), Niall Ferguson (original). (2019). "The Empire: The Decline of the World Order of the British Empire and the Revelation of the World's Powers." Published on the site.
Liu Zhongjing. (2016). "The Lost in Modern History: Liu Zhongjing's Commentary on Modern Modern Figures "The Beiyang Volume of the Late Qing Dynasty". New Taipei: Eight Banners Culture.
Liu Zhongjing. (2020) "The Rebellious Baltan: From the Interpretation of Greekism to the Collapse of Slavicism". New Taipei: Eight Banners Culture.
Yu Jie. (2019). "1927: The Death of the Republic of China". New Taipei: Eight Banners Culture.
Guo Tingyi. (2019). "History of Modern China". Chinese University of Hong Kong.
He Xiuyu (translated), Eugene Rogan (original). (2016). "The Death of Hubei: The First World War in Zhongdong". Taipei: Cat Head Publishing House.
Huang Zhongying (translation), Geoffrey Wawro (original). (2014). "The Death of the Habsburg: The Explosion of World War I and the Interpretation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire". Left Bank Culture.
Dun Feng (translated), Margaret MacMillan (original). (2019). "Peace in Paris". Taipei: Maitian Publishing
Zhang Ximo. (2015). "The Holy War and Civilization: The Eternal Clash between Islam and the West". Published on the site.
Chen Liqiao. (2020). "A Centennial View of Western Asia: From the Arab-Israel conflict, the Kude tribe to the Iran nuclear agreement, historical reconciliation and contemporary discussions." New Taipei: Taiwan Business Printing Library.
Waston‚Adam, 1992. The Evolution of international society: A comparative historical analysis. Routledge.
Paine ‚ S. C. M. 2017. The Japanese empire: Grand strategy from the Meiji Restoration to the Pacific War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
45 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
45 | |
課堂表現課堂表現 Classroom performance |
10 |