本課程為地方政府與政治的實作課程,主要協助學生透過「從做中學」(learning by doing),結合學說理論與實務規劃,更進一步了解地方政府與政治。有關地方政府與政治的課程目標及內涵為「介紹國內外最新的地方政府與政治的理論與學說,並對照台灣目前的地方自治實施狀況與面臨之問題,讓學生得以增進理論基礎以及了解現實狀況。除培養學生清楚地方政府的運作與參與民主政治的熱情外,更希望幫助學生在畢業後參加高普考時能有正確的認知」。This course is a practical course for local government and politics. It mainly helps students learn from the theory and practice planning through "learning by doing" to further understand local government and politics. The course objectives and connotations of local government and politics are "introducing the latest theories and teachings of local government and politics at home and abroad, and in accordance with the current implementation of local autonomy in Taiwan, allowing students to improve their theoretical basis and understand the actual situation. . In addition to cultivating students to understand the local government's operations and participation in democratic politics, they also hope to help students have correct understanding when taking the high school entrance examination after graduation."
張正修《地方制度法理論與實用》,台北:新學林,2009, 綜合版。
Bo Qingjiu, "Local Government and Autonomy", published by Wunan, 2004.
Junchen, "Local Government and Local System Law", published by Chuying, 2004.
Cai Maoyin, "Theory of Local Autonomy and Local System Law", Xinxue Forestry Publishing, 2006, Added Edition.
Qiu Changtai, "Local Government and Autonomy", Taipei: Sanmin, 2010.
Chen Jianren, "From the Central Domination to Local Autonomy: The Pulse and Reflection of Japan's Local Distribution Reform", Taipei: Huayi, 2011.
Liu Wenshi, "Local System Laws and Issues", Taipei: Wunan, 2014.
Huangfengtang, "Local System Law", Taipei: Yuanzhao, 2012, second edition.
Zhang Zhengxiu "Legal Theory and Practice of Local Systems", Taipei: Xinxuelin, 2009, comprehensive edition.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
10 | 含點名與課堂討論 |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
20 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 | |
心得報告心得報告 Experience report |
10 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 |