course information of 109 - 2 | 1051 AI in Computer Vision Applications(AI電腦視覺應用實作)

1051 - AI電腦視覺應用實作 AI in Computer Vision Applications

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標主要介紹電腦視覺應用情境與目的,瞭解影像處理的基本取像方式與特徵擷取技巧。近代利用深度學習的特徵擷取方取方式,讓視覺應用更具有不同切入點,透過模型學習的方式擷取關聯性的特徵值。其熱門的應用有物件偵測、物件追蹤以及物件辨識等。本課程將透過不同產業的實際案例,讓學生了解如何結合AI電腦影像處理的知識,整合實際硬體取像設備、現場工作環境等,來解決實際問題,達到培育學生具備結合理論、實作與應用能力的目的。The course objectives mainly introduce the computer vision application situation and purpose, and understand the basic imaging methods and feature acquisition techniques for image processing. In modern times, the characteristics of deep learning are used to capture the method of picking the square and picking the visual application more different points, and the relevant characteristic values ​​are obtained through model learning. Its popular applications include object detection, object tracking, object identification, etc. This course will use actual cases from different industries to let students understand how to combine knowledge about AI computer image processing, integrate actual hardware imaging equipment, live working environment, etc. to solve actual problems, and achieve the cultivation of students with reasonable discussions, practical and The purpose of application capabilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-edited textbooks

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final topics
Classroom performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[ST020]
授課教師 Teacher:羅文聰/陳倫奇
修課班級 Class:資工系3,4
選課備註 Memo:數創組分組選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 45 人。

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