This course aims to understand the application of electronic circuits in the industry. First, we teach basic circuits to allow students to have basic concepts in electromechanical science. Then, in electronics, students' concepts in the factory's automatic hardware, and digital circuit teaching obtains logical control The basis of the power system and Marda establish the principle of student power output.
1. Rizzoni, Principles & Applications of Electrical Engineering 5/e, McGRAW-HILL, 2007
2. Fowler, Electricity Principles and Applications 8/e, McGRAW-HILL, 2013
3. 高銘盛, 基礎電子學, 滄海, 2008
4. 張榮洲,張宥凱, 電子電路實作與應用, 全華, 2015
5. 蘇武昌,呂牧蓁,陳亮光,蔡宜昌,戴志揚電機工程學 (Hambley:Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications 7/E), 高立, 2018
1. Rizzoni, Principles & Applications of Electrical Engineering 5/e, McGRAW-HILL, 2007
2. Fowler, Electricity Principles and Applications 8/e, McGRAW-HILL, 2013
3. Gao Jiansheng, Basic Electronics Science, Hua Hai, 2008
4. Zhang Rongzhou, Zhang Yukai, Electronic Circuit Instrument and Application, Quanhua, 2015
5. Su Wuchang, Muzhen, Chen Liangguang, Cai Yichang, Dai Zhiyang Electrical Engineering (Hambley: Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications 7/E), Gao Li, 2018
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
15 | |
小考小考 Small exam |
15 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
35 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
35 |