本課程涵蓋物理化學中熱力學部分,從熱力學定律講述平衡系統基本定律及性質,再擴展應用到幾個常見物理化學系統,介紹熱力學的基本定律與應用。This course covers the heat learning part of physics and chemistry, and describes the basic laws and properties of the equilibrium system from the laws of heat learning, and then expands the application to several common physical and chemistry systems, introducing the basic laws and applications of heat learning.
The main axis of the course is chemical balance, starting from the properties of gas, and continues to learn the major laws, the properties, diagrams and chemical balance of pure matter and mixtures, providing the concepts required for chemical balance.
Peter Atkins & Julio de Paula, hysical Chemistry, 10th edition, 2013, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.
Peter Atkins & Julio Paula, cal chemistry, 10TH edition, 2013, Oxford university press, Oxford, England.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 出席10% ,及作業10% |
平時測驗 (三次)平時測驗 (三次) Daily test (three times) |
80 | 期中兩次、期末一次 |