course information of 109 - 2 | 0215 History of Taiwan Culture(台灣文化史)

0215 - 台灣文化史 History of Taiwan Culture

教育目標 Course Target

臺灣位於大陸與海洋的交會地,長期以來是多族群、多文化交織融合的輻輳地。本課程旨在將從多元文化的視角講述臺灣文化形成和發展的歷程。講課方式採主題式授課,介紹探討臺灣不同歷史時期及不同族群的文化內涵,引導學生了解臺灣歷史上各種文化面向的發展和特色,並省思其對現代臺灣歷史文化的影響和意義。Taiwan is located at the intersection between Mainland and the ocean, and has long been a bust for the integration of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural ties. This course aims to describe the process of the formation and development of Taiwanese culture from a multicultural perspective. The lecture courses are subject-oriented and introduce the cultural connotations of different historical periods and ethnic groups in Taiwan, guide students to understand the development and characteristics of various cultural aspects in Taiwan's history, and reflect on their impact and meaning on modern Taiwan's historical culture.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Chris Barker 著,羅世宏譯,《文化研究:理論與實踐》,臺北:五南,2004。
9.彭瑞金,《臺灣新文學運動 40 年》,臺北:自立,1992。
18.莊永明,〈臺灣歌謠思想起—臺語歌曲五十年 1932-1982〉,《臺灣文藝》 82,1983.5,頁 199-204。

1. Chris Barker, translated by Luo Shihong, "Cultural Research: Theory and Practice", Taipei: Wunan, 2004.
2. Laura Desfor Edles, "The Reality of Culture and Social Science", Taipei: Veber Culture, 2006.
3. Highmore, translated by Zhou Qunying, "Daily Life and Cultural Theory", Taipei: Weibo Culture, 2005.
4.Editor Lin Hunter, Jiang Zheng’s Brief Translation, "New History of Culture", Taipei: Maitian, 2002.
5. Wang Qizong, "Taiwan's Book House", Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural and Construction Association, 1999.
6. Wu Wenxing, "The Development of Primary and Secondary School Education Over the past century", "History of Development of the Republic of China: Education and Culture", Taipei: National University of Political Science, 2011, page 281-312.
7. Ye Shifeng, "Taiwan Literature History", Kaohsiung: Literature Magazine, Chunqing Publishing House, 1987.
8. Lin Ruiming, "A Historical Survey of Taiwan Literature", Taipei: Yun Chen, 1996.
9. Peng Ruijin, "40 Years of Taiwan's New Literature Sports", Taipei: Independent, 1992.
10. Wang Xiuxiong, "A preliminary study on the development of Taiwanese aesthetics from Ming Dynasty to before the resurrection of the Guangxi", "The First Taiwan Local Cultural Arts Discussion Conference", Taipei: National Taiwan University Literature Institute, Humanities Education Research Center, 1995, page 383-402.
11. Editor of the Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee, "What do you think of Taiwan? Collection of essays on the Consensus of Arts and Culture in Modern Taiwan", Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee, 1997.
12. Yang Juanying, Huang Qihui, Liao Xintian, "The Art of Taiwan", Tamsui Town, Taipei County: Li Dengxiu School, Qunce Society, 2006.
13. "Scenery and Mindfulness-Taiwan Modern Art Articles Guided by Taiwan" 1 and 2001, Taipei: Lion, 2001.
14. Li Yanqin, "Taiwan Art View", Taipei: Yushan Society, 1996.
15. Yan Juanying, "Chronology of the Major Events of Modern Art in Taiwan", Taipei: Xiong Lion Book, 1998.
16. Chen Bijuan, "The History of New Music in Taiwan—The Generation and Development of Western-style New Music in the Japanese Age", Taipei: Le Yi, 1995.
17. Zeng Huijia, "Watching Taiwanese Society from Popular Songs", Taipei: Laurel, 1998.
18. Zhuang Yongming, "The Beginning of Taiwanese Songs - 50 Years of Taiwanese Songs 1932-1982", "Taiwan Literature and Art" 82, 1983.5, page 199-204.
19. Qiu Kunliang, "Old and New Dramas - Research on Taiwanese Dramas during the Japanese Reign", Taipei: Independent, 1992.
20. Ye Long, "Spring Flowers and Dew: The History of the Decline of Authentic Taiwanese Movies", Taipei: Boyang Culture, 1999.
21. Chen Jianglong, "History of Development of Broadcasting in Taiwan (1925-2004)", Chiayi: Author, 2004.
22. He Yilin, "Media Reality and Historical Imagination: Interpreting the Reading of Taiwan Local Papers in the 1950s", "Research on Historical Materials in Taiwan" 24, 2005.3, Pages 2-24.
23. Chen Qinan, "Traditional Chinese Society of Taiwan", Taipei: Yun Chen, 1989.
24. Yi Neng Jiaju, "Taiwan Cultural Chronicle", Tokyo: Diaojiang Bookstore, 1928.
25. Written by Qingyi of Jingmu, Feng wrote the folk translation, "Taiwan Old Customs and Beliefs", Taipei: Public Writings, 1978.
26. Li Xiu'e, "Taiwan Folk Festival", Taichung: Morning Star, 2004.
27. Ruyu, "Shuishui: Life and Work in Taiwan Society during the Japanese Treatment Period", Taipei: Far, 1998.
28. Liuli, "Demonstration of Taiwan: Image Expression of Power, Space and Colonial Sect", Taipei: Maitian, 2005.
29. Leaf School, "Sunset Taipei City: Taipei Urban Development and Daily Life of Taiwanese in the Japanese Period (1895-1945)", Taipei: Self-reliance Evening News, 1993.
30. Zhuo Yiwen, "The Life of a Taiwanese Maid in the Qing Dynasty", Taipei: Self-reliance Evening News, 1993.
31. Zhang Suyan, "Three Hundred Years of the Bianshui River - History • Society • Environment", Taiwan: Far-Wucheng Publishing House, 2014.
32. Lin Meijun, "From Exploration to Leisure: Historical Images of Mountaineering Activities in Taiwan during the Japanese Reign", Taipei: Boyang Culture, National Editorial Museum, 2006.
33. Liu Shiyong, "Purification", "Health care" and "Health care" - The Change of Taiwan's Social Public Hygiene Concept during the Japanese Reign, "Research on Taiwan History", Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2001, Pages 41-88.
34. Huang Junjie, "The Reformation and Prospects of Taiwanese Culture After the War", Taipei: Taiwan University Publishing Center, 2006.
35. Huang Yingzhe, "De-Japaneseization" and "Re-Chineseization": Re-Construction of Taiwan Culture after the War (1945-1947), Taipei: Maitian, 2007.
36. Liao Binghui, Zhang Chunhuang, "Rethinking of Contemporary Taiwanese Popular Culture", edited by Zhang Yanqing and others, "The Collection of Essays on New Cultural Movement and National Construction in the 20th Century", Taipei: Wu Sanlian Taiwan Historical Materials Foundation, 2003, page 213-236 .

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
20 出席及上課態度、上課發言與討論佔20%。
Midterm Report
30 撰寫書評一篇。
Study period report--book
30 撰寫專題報告一篇。
Study period report-Oral
20 學期報告口頭發表

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[H206]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡秀美
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:台灣史領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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