3.了解清帝作為多元民族帝國的統治者,建構並落實其統治理念與文化政策的情況。1. Based on the knowledge base of the general history of China, further learn the development of the overall system.
2. Understand the Qing Empire formed by a diverse ethnic group and integrate ethnic relations with the situation of actively building borders.
3. Understand the situation of the Qing emperor as the ruler of a multinational empire, establishing and implementing his political concepts and cultural policies.
羅威廉(William T. Rowe)著;李仁淵、張遠譯,《中國最後的帝國》,台北:台大出版中心,2013年。
Written by William T. Rowe; Li Ren-ying, Zhang Chang-lu, "The Last Empire of China", Taipei: NTU Publishing Center, 2013.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課程表現與出席率課程表現與出席率 Course performance and attendance |
15 | 每週以iLearn教學平台點名,出席低於6次(含),此項成績以零分計算。 |
學期作業學期作業 Study session |
25 | 將於開學後第一週公布詳細內容 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | 申論題 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 申論題 |