本課程旨在講授日治時期以迄戰後的臺灣歷史,讓學生了解臺灣歷史發展歷程及其特色,以及影響臺灣歷史發展的主要因素,進而培養歷史思維和批判思考之能力,涵養深入關心現代社會的情懷和人文素養。This course aims to teach Taiwanese history since the Japanese reign, so that students can understand the development process and characteristics of Taiwan’s history, as well as the main factors affecting the development of Taiwan’s history, and thus cultivate the ability of historical thinking and critical thinking, and to deeply care about the modern world Social situation and humanistic qualities.
8.達飛聲(James W. Davidson)著,陳政三譯註, 《福爾摩沙島的過去與現在》(上)、(下),台北:南天書局;臺南:國立臺灣歷史博物館,2014。
1.Editor of Gao Mingshi, "History of Taiwan", Taipei: Wunan, 2007.
2. Huang Xiuzheng, Zhang Shengyang, Wu Wenxing, "History of Taiwan", Taipei: Wunan, 2011 second edition.
3. Zhou Wanyao, "Taiwan History Pictures", Taipei: Union, 2009.
4. Li Xiaofeng and Lin Chengrong, "History of Taiwan", Taipei: Huali, 2003.
5. Yi Neng Jiaju, "Taiwan Cultural Chronicle", Taichung: Taiwan Provincial Cultural Association, 1985.
6. Lian Yatang, "General History of Taiwan", Taichung: Taiwan Provincial Cultural Association, 1973.
7. Guo Tingyi, "Overview of Historical Affairs in Taiwan", Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau, 1954.
8. James W. Davidson, commented by Chen Zhengsan, "The Past and Current in Formosa Island" (Part 1) and (Part 2), Taipei: Nantian Book Bureau; Tainan: National Taiwan History Museum, 2014.
9. Written by Huang Zhaotang, Liao is the Translation of Wisdom, "Research on Taiwan's Democratic Country", Taipei: Foundation for Modern Academic Research, 1993.
10. Written by Huang Zhaotang, philosophical translation by Huang Ying, "Taiwan Governor's Office", Taipei: Qianhua Publishing House, 1994.
11. Wu Wenxing, "Social Leadership Level in Taiwan during the Japanese Reign", Taipei: Wunan, 2008.
12. Zhou Wanyao, "Taiwan Comments on Oceans and Colonies", Taipei: United Publishing Company, 2012.
13. Literature of the snail, "Starting the Water-Screw - Life and Work of Taiwan Society during the Japanese Treatment Period", Taipei: Far-Flow Publishing House, 1998.
14. Qian Jiongren, "Taiwan People's Party", Taipei: Daoshan Publishing House, 1991.
15. Lu Xiuyi, "History of the Taiwan Communist Party of Japan (1928-1932)", Taipei: Qianhua Publishing House, 1990.
16. The Executive Yuan study group on the 228th Incident, the head of the Executive Yuan, "Research Report on the 228th Incident", Taipei: Times Cultural Publishing Company, 1994
17. Zhang Yanxing and others wrote, "Research Report on Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Respon
18.Editor of Huang Fusan, Gu Weiying and Cai Caixiu, "One Hundred Years of Research on Taiwan History: Review and Research", Taipei: Reservation and Research, China Academy of Sciences Taishi Institute, 1997.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
15 | 出席、上課發言。 |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
25 | 依課堂要求繳交隨堂作業3份。 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
30 | 配合課程進度,舉行紙筆測驗。 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
30 | 配合課程進度,舉行紙筆測驗。 |