Understand basic sports and dance knowledge.
Promote health fitness.
Improve various basic dance abilities.
Inspire creativity.
Cultivate and appreciate the interest of dancing and beauty.
˙Traguth, Fred & Otto Hand, Modern Jazz Dance, 1983,New York, Motion
˙Editor Lin Chunmei, "Common Knowledge of Sports", Lectures at the Gymnasium of Donghai University, 2012.
˙Edited by Lin Chunmei, "Dance and Health", self-edited speech, 2008.
˙Written by Zhang Lizhu, Jiang Yingbi, Lin Chunmei and Shouzi, School Art Education Book [Art Appreciation Course Tutor Manual - Middle School Dance Chapter] 1999.
˙Wu Manli, Research on Preventing Injury in Dance Teaching, Lili Publishing House, 1992.
˙Editor Liang, Social Dance Entering the Door, Hong Kong Zhuhai Publishing Co., Ltd., 1992.
˙Traguth, Fred & Otto Hand, Modern Jazz Dance, 1983, New York, Motion
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
50 | 出席率、運動服裝、體能測驗、及學習態度 |
舞蹈術科(一)舞蹈術科(一) Dance Department (I) |
20 | 動作的穩定性、流暢性、韻律感、表現性 |
舞蹈術科(二)舞蹈術科(二) Dance Department (II) |
20 | 動作的穩定性、流暢性、韻律感、表現性 |
舞蹈認知、體育常識--筆試或心得報告舞蹈認知、體育常識--筆試或心得報告 Dance knowledge, common sense of sports---study trials or experience reports |
10 | 心得報告--文章結構、正確語法、可讀性、分析條理 |