1. 「隨案學習(case follow-up)」是新型課程,本於「臨床法學」理念,由資深律師/教師帶領隨案學習學生進行實際個案從頭到尾訴訟操作,以求學生得從個案訴訟操作中,學習訴訟程序與具體訴訟策略,增加法律事務操作經驗。
2. 「隨案學習」將以如下階段進行:
3. 「隨案學習」僅為東海大學法律服務中心教學,全程不另收取費用,亦不支付隨案學習學生薪資。隨案學習學生並須簽訂保密協定,以維護當事人隱私。1. "Case follow-up" is a new type of course based on the concept of "clinical law". Senior lawyers/teachers lead case follow-up students to conduct actual case litigation operations from beginning to end, so that students can learn from the case During litigation operations, students learn litigation procedures and specific litigation strategies, and gain experience in legal affairs operations.
2. "Study with the case" will be carried out in the following stages:
(1) Case analysis: Before proceeding with litigation, explain to case study students, analyze the background of the case, and propose litigation strategies.
(2) Complaint implementation: Teach case study students how to write, structure and produce complaints, how to actually submit complaints, review papers, and conduct litigation procedures.
(3) Meetings with parties: Let case study students be present when meeting with the client to learn how to grasp the issues, understand the needs of the parties, and respond with appropriate workplace attitudes.
(4) Participation in litigation proceedings: Lawyers lead case study students to observe the entire proceedings and take court notes.
(5) Case closing report: After the court's decision, students studying the case should make a case closing report according to the format required by the center and participate in the case closing report evaluation.
3. "Learning with Cases" is only for teaching at the Tunghai University Legal Service Center. No additional fees are charged for the entire process, and students who study with cases are not paid. Students who study with the case must sign a confidentiality agreement to maintain the privacy of the parties involved.
Conduct teaching and exercises based on the information provided by the case.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常分數平常分數 ordinary fraction |
70 | 依出席率、上課參與程度以及書狀良莠評分。 |
期末心得報告期末心得報告 Final report |
30 | 繳交1千字以上之心得報告。 |