course information of 109 - 1 | 8502 Civil Law: General Principles(民法總則)

8502 - 民法總則 Civil Law: General Principles

教育目標 Course Target

本課程中將說明民法總則(民法第一編「總則」)規範的內容以及目的。本學期的課程將以民法的解釋、權利主體、權利客體、法律行為、意思表示為主要內容。 由於民法總則是貫穿民法各編的總則性規定,藉由民法總則的學習作為入門磚,同學可以開始初步接觸民法各編規定,認識民法存在的意義以及具體的內容。期待修習本課程的同學,能掌握民法分析社會上的財產移轉、身分變動關係的基本觀點。培養未來民事法規進階學習之基礎。 本課程授課之目的,在於使同學對於民法之理論與實務能有所掌握,具有法律人的基礎法學思維。並不以參加國家考試作為直接之目標,因此本課程教學中並不會以國家考試之解答或準備作為授課之主要目標。This course will explain the content and purpose of the General Provisions of the Civil Code (Part 1 of the Civil Code, "General Provisions"). The courses of this semester will focus on the interpretation of civil law, subjects of rights, objects of rights, legal acts, and expressions of intention. Since the General Principles of Civil Law is a general provision that runs through all parts of the Civil Law, by studying the General Principles of the Civil Law as an introductory step, students can begin to have preliminary contact with the provisions of each part of the Civil Law and understand the meaning of the existence and specific content of the Civil Law. It is expected that students who take this course will be able to grasp the basic viewpoints of civil law in analyzing the relationship between property transfer and status change in society. Develop the foundation for future advanced study of civil laws and regulations. The purpose of this course is to enable students to master the theory and practice of civil law and have the basic legal thinking of a legal person. Taking part in the national examination is not the direct goal, so the answers or preparation for the national examination will not be the main goal of this course.

課程概述 Course Description

The General Principles are the foundation of civil law. This course explains the principles and principles of the General Principles of my country's Civil Law. It focuses on cultivating an understanding of my country's legal system and learning the application of civil law from both academic and practical perspectives. This course aims to familiarize students with the basic concepts and ways of thinking of the General Principles of Civil Law, so as to lay the foundation for other parts of the Civil Law in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books



The following are the main reference books. Students will not be asked to read them during the course, but it is strongly recommended that students read the relevant parts on their own before and after class to deepen their understanding of civil law.

The following three books are all important works recommended for students to get started with the General Principles of Civil Law. Students can go to a bookstore or library to browse and choose the most suitable books for preview and review.

Wang Zejian, General Principles of Civil Law, updated new edition.
Chen Congfu, General Principles of Civil Law, 3rd edition.
Zheng Guanyu, General Principles of Civil Law, 6th edition.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
final exam
80 以是非選擇題之方式命題,可攜帶紙本資料參與考試,但不可使用手機。
class participation
20 以到課情形為主要評分基準,

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-2702 Civil Law: General Principles / 民法總則 (法律系1A,授課教師:張凱鑫,四/2,3,4[L208])
必修-2705 Civil Law: General Principles / 民法總則 (法律系1B,授課教師:胡心蘭,四/6,7,8[L208])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/10,11,12[AG202]
授課教師 Teacher:牛曰正
修課班級 Class:法律系1
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 61 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 61 人。

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