3.結合生活當中的簡單素材,充份運用節能省碳之材料,表現出學生的無限創意。1. Introduce contemporary artists and their use of media.
2. Guide students to understand artistic creation and data collection and sharing.
3. Combine simple materials in daily life and make full use of energy-saving and carbon-saving materials to show students' unlimited creativity.
Student Dormitory Theme Village Course-Art Village
◎Michel Foucault 著/謝強 馬月 譯;《馬奈的繪畫 La peinture de Manet 》Suivi de MichelFoucault, un regard ; 湖南教育出版社;長沙;2009.6;ISBN978-7- 5355-6138-1
◎ Linda Nochlin 著《寫實主義》;遠流圖書公司出版; ISBN9573234653
◎ Anna Moszynska著/黃麗絹 譯;《抽象藝術》;遠流圖書公司出版; ISBN9573237806。
◎ 保羅克利 著/周群超 譯《保羅克利教學手記》;藝術家出版;1999。
◎ Henry Focillon 著/吳玉成 譯;《造形的生命》;田園城市文化事業出版;2001;ISBN 9570406410◎ Herschel Chipp著/余珊珊譯《現代藝術理論》,台北: 遠流圖書公司出版,1996。
◎ 王受之 著《世界現代美術發展 》藝術家出版社, 2001 。
◎Written by Michel Foucault/Translated by Xie Qiang and Ma Yue; "Manet's Painting La peinture de Manet" Suivi de Michel Foucault, un regard; Hunan Education Press; Changsha; 2009.6; ISBN978-7- 5355-6138-1
◎ "Realism" by Linda Nochlin; published by Yuanliu Books; ISBN9573234653
◎ Written by Anna Moszynska/Translated by Huang Lijuan; "Abstract Art"; published by Yuanliu Book Company; ISBN9573237806.
◎ Paul Klee, translated by Zhou Qunchao, "Paul Klee's Teaching Notes"; published by the artist; 1999.
◎ Written by Henry Focillon/Translated by Wu Yucheng; "Shaped Life"; Published by Garden City Cultural Enterprise; 2001; ISBN 9570406410 ◎ "Modern Art Theory" written by Herschel Chipp/Translated by Yu Shanshan, Taipei: Published by Yuanliu Book Company, 1996.
◎ Wang Shouzhi's "The Development of Modern Art in the World" Artist Publishing House, 2001.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時測驗成績平時測驗成績 usual test scores |
15 | 平時評圖、草稿、草圖、出席率及上課態度(無故缺課達3分之一以上者扣考) |
創作報告成績創作報告成績 Create report scores |
15 | 收集資料及報告討論 |
期中創作期中創作 Midterm creation |
30 | 不得延交、補交,無重大原因者不得請假亦不得請同學代交,未出席者該項以0分計算 |
期末立體造型創作期末立體造型創作 Final three-dimensional modeling creation |
40 | 不得延交、補交,無重大原因者不得請假亦不得請同學代交,未出席者該項以0分計算 |