course information of 109 - 1 | 8425 History of Western Modern(西方現當代藝術史)

8425 - 西方現當代藝術史 History of Western Modern

教育目標 Course Target

此門課程以西方現當代藝術的發展為主軸,課程內容分為二部分:前半段從十九世紀末期的印象派開始,到第二次世界大戰之間的諸項藝術流派的發展。這段時期的歐洲處於複雜、混亂的政治及社會狀態,相對應地呼應出現代藝術的叛逆特質以及追求對「新的忠誠」的理論根據,並且說明諸如「現成物」以及「材質通俗化」等現代藝術時期即萌生的重要概念及手法。後半段課程則是鎖定現當代藝術在1960年代之後的發展,從歷史背景的條件來詮釋與藝術創作之間的關係,比如工業革命、戰爭與現當代藝術的關係,或是攝影術與現代繪畫的關係。課程內容含括了諸如觀念藝術、裝置藝術、行為藝術、錄像藝術與新媒體藝術等等,藉由多元並呈的藝術形式來說明當代社會開放又複雜的文化狀態。 This course focuses on the development of modern Western art, and the content of the course is divided into two parts: the first half begins with the Impressionism in the late 19th century and the development of the art school between the Second World War. Europe during this period was in complex and chaotic political and social conditions, and correspondingly called for the rebellious nature of modern art and the theoretical basis for the pursuit of "new loyalty", and explained such as "prepared objects" and "popularization of materials" Important concepts and techniques that emerged in modern art. The second half of the course is to lock the development of contemporary art after the 1960s, and to highlight the relationship between historical background conditions and artistic creation, such as industrial revolution, war and modern art, or photography and modern painting. the relationship. The course includes concept art, device art, behavior art, record art and new media art, etc., and uses diverse and artistic forms to illustrate the open and complex cultural status of contemporary society.

課程概述 Course Description

The time range discussed in this course mainly comes from the industrial revolution, from the excitement of the industry revolution, capitalism, to the effect and phenomenon triggered by the information revolution, and explores the issues of related art, works and genres from the end of the 19th century to the contemporary era.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 王受之,《世界現代美術發展》,台北,藝術家出版社,2001
2. Atkins, Robert,《藝術開講》,黃麗絹譯,台北,藝術家出版社,2000
3. Lynton, Norbert,《現代藝術的故事》,楊松鋒譯,台北,聯經,2003
4. E.H. Gombrich,《藝術的故事》,雨雲譯,台北,聯經,2008
5. Gablik, Suzi,《現代主義失敗了嗎》,滕立平譯,台北,遠流,1991
6. Manovich, Lev, “The Language of New Media”, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001
7. Rush,Michael, “New Media in Art”,1999
8. Reena Jana & Mark Tribe, “New Media Art”,2006
9. Poli, Francesco,"Post Modern Art : 1945-Now",2008
10. Bishop, Claire, "Installation Art: A Critical History". London: Tate, 2005.
11. Brian O′doherty, Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space, Expanded Edition, University of California Press; Enlarged edition edition, 2000
12. Sontag,Susan,黃燦然譯,《論攝影》,台北:麥田,2010
13. 陳永賢,《錄像藝術啟示錄》,台北:藝術家,2010
1. Wang Shouzhi, "The Development of Modern Aesthetics in the World", Taipei, Artist Publishing House, 2001
2. Atkins, Robert, "Art Talk", Huangli Translation, Taipei, Artist Publishing House, 2000
3. Lynton, Norbert, "The Story of Modern Art", Yang Song-Ying, Taipei, United, 2003
4. E.H. Gombrich, "The Story of Art", Yuyunlu, Taipei, United, 2008
5. Gablik, Suzi, "Did Modernism Failure?", Teng Lipinglu, Taipei, Far Li, 1991
6. Manovich, Lev, “The Language of New Media”, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001
7. Rush, Michael, “New Media in Art”,1999
8. Reena Jana & Mark Tribe, “New Media Art”, 2006
9. Poli, Francesco,"Post Modern Art : 1945-Now",2008
10. Bishop, Claire, "Installation Art: A Critical History". London: Tate, 2005.
11. Brian O'doherty, Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space, Expanded Edition, University of California Press; Enlarged edition edition, 2000
12. Sontag, Susan, Huang Yanlu, "On Photography", Taipei: Maitian, 2010
13. Chen Yongqin, "Revelation of Recording Art", Taipei: Artist, 2010

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and class attendance
Midterm exam
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/9,10[FA104]
授課教師 Teacher:段存真/徐嘒壎
修課班級 Class:美術系3-5
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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