隨著醫療訴訟案件量逐漸上升,醫事法逐漸成為法律人關注的焦點。本課程除一般法律人所注意之醫療訴訟/醫病關係外,尚擬就整體醫事法全部,按體系進行問題研討。期待同學能透過問題研究之方式,對醫事法有更完整的瞭解與掌握。As the number of medical litigation cases gradually increases, medical law has gradually become the focus of legal practitioners. In addition to the medical litigation/doctor-patient relationship that general legal practitioners pay attention to, this course also plans to study the entire medical law system by system. It is expected that students can have a more complete understanding and mastery of medical law through problem research.
There are many books and materials related to this subject, and students are free to search and select them. However, they should respect intellectual property rights and cite them in written reports in compliance with the Tunghai University law research format.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
50 | |
報告報告 report |
50 |