透過實際作品的共同排練,讓學生進行相關排練、設計、製作以及展演等實務實踐,藉此體察劇場理論的立體維度,提高藝術實踐能力、磨練專業執行經驗,進而全面提升創意、創作與藝術美學成果。Through joint rehearsals of actual works, students are allowed to carry out practical practices such as rehearsal, design, production and performance, so as to understand the three-dimensional dimension of theater theory, improve their artistic practice ability, hone professional execution experience, and then comprehensively enhance creativity, creation and art. Aesthetic results.
演員與標靶 the Actor & the Target (Declan Donnellan/馬汀尼翻譯/聲音空間出版)
演員的挑戰 A Challenge for the Actor (Uta Hagen/陳佳穗翻譯//書林出版)
the Actor & the Target (Declan Donnellan/Martini Translation/Sound Space Publishing)
A Challenge for the Actor (Uta Hagen/translated by Chen Jiasui//Shulin Publishing)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出勤與學習態度出勤與學習態度 Attendance and learning attitude |
20 | |
期中展演期中展演 Mid-term performance |
40 | |
期末書面報告期末書面報告 Final written report |
40 |