course information of 109 - 1 | 7260 Acting (I)(表演(一))

7260 - 表演(一) Acting (I)

教育目標 Course Target

表演不是表現,演戲不是真的,但是是真實的,而且必須讓人看下去。 以這個目標為前提,演員可以做到什麼呢?首先,客觀地對情境做充分的理解,而非一開始就投入自己主觀的情感,否則很容易因自溺而忽略一個作品的意義。所以一切要回歸到從「觀察」開始。 客觀完整地理解後,演員才能以角色的姿態主觀投入,這時候一個演員在日常中能看到的、包容的、經驗的越多,投入角色就越容易也越有趣,所以從外在的身體姿態、生活型態、發音共鳴等,到內在的愛恨、慾望、恐懼等,都要無時無刻、帶著探索未知的熱情去訓練與開發。 然後才有辦法讓自己在某一個時間點、某一個情境、某一種人身上,找到觀眾願意為你停留眼光的理由。本課程將通過基本身體、聲音、場景分析等訓練,讓演員如武器般磨練,接著在實作中運用,以真實的人物與表演,成就更多好的作品。 Performance is not expression, acting is not real, but it is real and must be watched. With this goal as the premise, what can actors do? First, fully understand the situation objectively, rather than investing your own subjective emotions from the beginning. Otherwise, it is easy to ignore the meaning of a work due to self-indulgence. So everything must return to starting from "observation". Only after an objective and complete understanding can an actor subjectively invest in the role. At this time, the more an actor can see, tolerate, and experience in daily life, the easier and more interesting it will be to invest in the role. Therefore, from the external body Posture, lifestyle, pronunciation resonance, etc., as well as inner love, hate, desire, fear, etc., must be trained and developed all the time with the enthusiasm to explore the unknown. Only then can you find a way to find a reason why the audience is willing to pay attention to you at a certain point in time, a certain situation, and a certain kind of person. This course will allow actors to hone themselves like weapons through basic body, voice, scene analysis and other training, and then use them in actual situations to achieve more good works with real characters and performances.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.導演筆記-導演以上學到的130堂課 五南出版社
2.表演力 商周出版社

1. Director's Notes - 130 Lessons Learned by Directors Wunan Publishing House
2.Performance Shangzhou Publishing House
3. Monologues and duets in TV series and movies

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
course participation
50 包括出缺席狀況、提問積極度等
Classwork and Presentation
personal process
20 在課程中自我調整的彈性、課後的新發現與改變等

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/B,5[MD1612]
授課教師 Teacher:王莞茹
修課班級 Class:表藝碩學程1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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