course information of 109 - 1 | 7256 Performing Planning and Production(演出企劃與製作)

7256 - 演出企劃與製作 Performing Planning and Production

教育目標 Course Target

表演藝術團隊經營以及藝術行政專業之提升,近年來經由國家表演藝術中心轄下指標場館國家兩廳院、臺中國家歌劇院以及衛武營國家藝術文化中心的陸續開館,讓表演藝術活動不再只是舞台上演出專業的呈現,而必須是連結舞台下聚光燈背後所有藝術行政工作者面臨該具備各項專業知識之強化,唯有藉由學術研究與實作體驗兩者相輔相成,始得成就無縫接軌之職涯規劃。 所有表演藝術活動中,舞台上的演出者,無論是音樂、舞蹈、戲劇或其他任何表演藝術領域,在專業演出的表現有其既有的養成規劃,但是如果沒有完整的企畫製作將演出者的表演藉由各種方式呈現於舞台上,那表演者所有的努力將無法被傳遞到觀眾的眼前,因此如何藉由課程的學習轉換至實務的領域,是本課程最重要的規劃方向。 本年度所開設之課程「演出企畫與製作」Performing Planning and Production 將藉由演出活動企劃書撰寫、活動規劃、執行、媒體宣傳規劃、執行、預算編列、預算執行、各業界案例研析、表演藝術相關法規探討、以及表演場域介紹、表演團隊經驗分享,以及活動實務體驗等等課程規劃,將本課程之專業分享,讓學生得以在未來職涯規劃上有更良好的期待與學習。 The professional performance of performing arts team management and arts administration has been improved. In recent years, through the successive opening of the National Hall of Fame and the Taichung National Opera House and Weiwuying National Arts and Culture Center, the flagship venues of the National Performing Arts Center, performing arts activities are no longer just The professional presentation of performances on the stage must be connected with the spotlight on the stage. All art administrative workers behind the stage are faced with the strengthening of various professional knowledge. Only through academic research and practical experience complement each other can the achievements be seamlessly connected. career planning. In all performing arts activities, performers on the stage, whether in music, dance, drama or any other performing arts field, have their own development plans for professional performances. However, if there is no complete planning and production, the performers will be Performances are presented on the stage in various ways, and all the efforts of the performers will not be conveyed to the audience. Therefore, how to transfer the study of the course to the practical field is the most important planning direction of this course. The course "Performing Planning and Production" offered this year will cover performance event planning, event planning, execution, media promotion planning, execution, budget preparation, budget execution, case study analysis of various industries, and performing arts. Discussion of relevant regulations, introduction to performance venues, sharing of experience of performance teams, and practical experience of activities and other course planning will share the professional aspects of this course so that students can have better expectations and learning in future career planning.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 藝術管理/ 夏學理、鄭美華、陳曼玲、周一彤、方顗茹、陳亞平編著,台北市: 五南文化事業公司(2009)。
2. 華麗舞台的深夜告白---賣座演出製作秘笈/林佳瑩、趙靜瑜著,有樂出版事業有限公司(2018年3月)
3. 全方位企劃撰寫全書/戴國良著,商周出版。(2010)
4.票房行銷 Standing Room Only/原著:飛利浦‧科特勒、瓊安‧雪芙 Philip Katler& Joanne Scheff ,譯著: 高登第,台北 遠流出版社。(1998年4月初版)
5. 我國交響樂團產業之研究/何康國著,台北市: 小雅音樂有限公司(94年4月初版)
6. 展演機構營運效益研析/夏學理著,第一數位典藏股份有限公司。(100年2月)

1. Arts Management/Compiled by Xia Xuelia, Zheng Meihua, Chen Manling, Zhou Yitong, Fang Yiru, Chen Yaping, Taipei City: Wunan Cultural Corporation (2009).
2. Late Night Confessions on a Gorgeous Stage --- Tips for Producing Blockbuster Performances/written by Lin Jiaying and Zhao Jingyu, Youle Publishing Co., Ltd. (March 2018)
3. Comprehensive planning and writing of the entire book/written by Dai Guoliang, published by Shang and Zhou Dynasties. (2010)
4. Box Office Marketing Standing Room Only/Original work: Philip Katler & Joanne Scheff, Translation: Gordon Di, Taipei Yuanliu Publishing House. (First edition in April 1998)
5. Research on my country’s symphony orchestra industry/written by He Kangguo, Taipei City: Xiaoya Music Co., Ltd. (first edition in April 1994)
6. Analysis of Operational Benefits of Performance Organizations/Xia Xueli, First Digital Archives Co., Ltd. (February 100)

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/10,11[H120]
授課教師 Teacher:林佳瑩
修課班級 Class:表藝碩學程1,2
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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