course information of 109 - 1 | 7055 Urban Sprawl & Urban Shrinkage-(都市擴張與收縮-以台中郊區化與舊市區的空洞化為例)

7055 - 都市擴張與收縮-以台中郊區化與舊市區的空洞化為例 Urban Sprawl & Urban Shrinkage-

教育目標 Course Target

 台中是一個不斷向外擴張的計畫都市,1895年在英國技師巴爾頓(W.K Barton)與濱野彌四郎的「台中市街區劃設計報告書」中,將台中市規劃為「棋盤狀」的計畫都市,而1900年1月6日正式公告了「台中市區改正」計畫,開啟了台中都市形態發展的基礎;1911年公布的「台中市區擴張計畫」中,規劃了約528公頃的區域,預計容納約5萬人口,人口密度約為100人/公頃,屬於20世紀初期有著田園城鎮風貌的計畫都市,公園、學校、銀行、醫院、車站、工場、自來水廠等,這些西歐產業革命後的近代都市設施,紛紛開始出現在街頭,市區內縱橫著綠蔭大道和河川,當時的台中,可以說是亞洲第一個計畫都市。  日治時期的計畫都市範圍,也就是目前台中的舊市區,早年的舊市區因鐵路交通的便捷,促成商業活動的聚集而蓬勃發展,形成台中市最早的中心商業區,同時也是人們工作、居住與生活消費的區域。戰後由於大量人口的移入,舊市區的周邊便開始進行了市地重劃,人口郊區化現象開始出現形成,促使了舊市區漸漸的沒落。  以舊市區的中區為例,1980年代中,人口曾達到約5萬人,人口密度約為500人/公頃,屬於高密度的居住狀態。然而,當1978年高速公路全線通車後,都市交通運具的生活習慣開始轉變,私人自家車的持有比率逐漸增加,沿著台中港路(現台灣大道)和 80米環中路一帶,外圍道路沿線的商圈發展漸漸出現,陸續擴大的重劃區、七期的新市政中心、水湳經貿園區等等,由汽車帶動的都市成長模式開始形成,都市擴張(urban sprawl)便以脫韁之馬的速度,加速地往外擴張,造成了舊市區的空洞化。  回顧台中都市擴張的發展過程,1935年公布了第一次的市區擴張計劃,之後在1942年並進行了都市計畫區的變更,而成為戰後1956年都市計畫的基礎,接著在1970年代起陸續推動的重劃區開發、1980年代的七期新市政中心、1990年代的水湳經貿園區、2004年起的後期發展區等等,這些都說明了台中都市擴張的特徵。都市不斷擴張的前提,在於人口與經濟不斷地成長,早期的都市擴張和郊區化有著自然的需求,反映出對於理想生活型態的追求,從日治時期的大和村或是戰後的模範街、七十年代的榕莊和唐莊、八十年代的理想國等,都表現出某個時空下的生活想像。  台中的都市區域面積增加了約五、六倍的面積,人口卻沒有相對地成長,台中市成為一個虛胖的城市。原本都市周邊的邊緣地區,出現門禁社區、高樓大廈和臨時性的汽車旅館、卡拉OK並存的奇特地景,以及各類的大學校區和園區(工業區、科學園區)共存的狀態。這種向外擴張的郊區化現像,類似於美國九十年代的邊緣都市(Edge City)發展,這樣的都市擴張過程,在不斷地鏟除舊紋理的建設性破壞下,淹沒了周邊的自然環境與農村聚落,除了帶來地域社會的瓦解與環境的破壞,也讓我們的都市漸漸地喪失了活力。現代都市不斷擴張的前提,在於人口與經濟不斷地成長,然而當整個台灣的人口成長率逐漸呈現負成長,而台中的空屋率也高達26%的狀況之下,我們已經到了應該重新思考戰後台中都市發展模式的成長神話,重新來面對台中郊區化與舊市區空洞化的課題。 Taichung is a planned city that is constantly expanding outwards. In 1895, the British technician W.K. In the "Taichung City District Planning and Design Report" written by Barton and Hamano Yashiro, Taichung City was planned as a "checkerboard-shaped" planned city, and the "Taichung Urban Revision" plan was officially announced on January 6, 1900. It laid the foundation for the development of Taichung's urban form; in the "Taichung Urban Expansion Plan" announced in 1911, an area of ​​approximately 528 hectares was planned, which was expected to accommodate approximately With a population of 50,000 and a population density of about 100 people/hectare, it is a planned city with a pastoral town style in the early 20th century. Parks, schools, banks, hospitals, stations, factories, water plants, etc. are all modern cities after the industrial revolution in Western Europe. Facilities began to appear on the streets one after another, and the urban area was lined with green avenues and rivers. At that time, Taichung could be said to be the first planned city in Asia. The planned urban area during the Japanese colonial period is currently the old urban area of ​​Taichung. In the early years, the old urban area flourished due to the convenience of railway transportation, which facilitated the gathering of commercial activities. It formed the earliest central business district in Taichung City and was also a place where people Areas for work, residence and daily consumption. After the war, due to the immigration of a large number of people, urban rezoning began around the old urban area, and the phenomenon of population suburbanization began to take shape, which promoted the gradual decline of the old urban area. Taking the central district of the old urban area as an example, in the mid-1980s, the population reached about 50,000 people, and the population density was about 500 people/hectare, which was a high-density living situation. However, when the expressway was fully opened to traffic in 1978, urban transportation habits began to change, and the ownership ratio of private cars gradually increased. Along Taichung Harbor Road (now Taiwan Avenue) and the 80-meter Ring Road area, peripheral roads The development of business districts along the line gradually emerged, with the successive expansion of redistricting, the seventh-phase new municipal center, Shuinan Economic and Trade Park, etc., the urban growth model driven by automobiles began to take shape, and urban expansion (urban sprawl) has accelerated its outward expansion at a runaway speed, resulting in the hollowing out of the old urban area. Looking back at the development process of Taichung's urban expansion, the first urban expansion plan was announced in 1935, and then the urban planning area was changed in 1942, which became the basis for the post-war urban plan in 1956, and then in 1 The successive promotion of rezoning development since the 1970s, the seven-phase new municipal center in the 1980s, the Shuinan Economic and Trade Park in the 1990s, and the late-stage development zone since 2004, etc., all illustrate the characteristics of Taichung's urban expansion. The premise for continuous urban expansion lies in the continuous growth of population and economy. Early urban expansion and suburbanization have natural needs, reflecting the pursuit of an ideal lifestyle. From the Yamato Village during the Japanese occupation or the model streets after the war , Rongzhuang and Tangzhuang in the 1970s, and the Utopia in the 1980s, etc., all show the imagination of life in a certain time and space. The area of ​​Taichung's urban area has increased by about five or six times, but the population has not grown correspondingly. Taichung City has become a puffy city. In the fringe areas around the city, gated communities, high-rise buildings, temporary motels, and karaoke OKs coexist, as well as various university campuses and parks (industrial zones, science parks) coexisting. This outward-expanding suburbanization phenomenon is similar to the development of edge cities in the United States in the 1990s. This process of urban expansion submerged the surrounding natural environment and the surrounding natural environment under the constructive destruction of the continuous eradication of old textures. Rural settlements not only bring about the disintegration of regional society and environmental damage, but also cause our cities to gradually lose their vitality. The premise for the continuous expansion of modern cities lies in the continuous growth of population and economy. However, when the population growth rate of Taiwan as a whole gradually shows negative growth, and the vacancy rate in Taichung is as high as 26%, we have reached the point where we should rethink the strategy. The growth myth of the urban development model in the background is once again facing the issues of suburbanization and the hollowing out of the old urban area in Taichung.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.都市再生的20個故事/林盛豐/主編, 林崇傑/總策劃/台灣建築報導雜誌社
2.社區設計/作者:山崎亮Yamazaki Ryo/譯者:莊雅琇/臉譜出版社
3.後都市的共生 × 共創:中山創意基地URS21/財團法人忠泰建築文化藝術基金會/田園城市出版社
7.地方創生最前線/松永安光, 德田光弘等著/林詠純譯/行人出版社
9.偉大城市的誕生與衰亡:美國都市街道生活的啟發/作者:珍.雅各(Jane Jacobs)/譯者:吳鄭重/聯經出版公司
10.老屋顏:走訪全台老房子,從老屋歷史、建築裝飾與時代故事,尋訪台灣人的生活足跡/辛永勝, 楊朝景等/馬可孛羅出版社

1. 20 Stories of Urban Regeneration/Lin Shengfeng/Editor-in-Chief, Lin Chongjie/Chief Planner/Taiwan Architectural Report Magazine
2. Community Design/Author: Yamazaki Ryo/Translator: Zhuang Yaxiu/Facebook Publishing House
3. Post-urban symbiosis × co-creation: Zhongshan Creative Base URS21/Zhongtai Architectural Culture and Art Foundation/Pastoral City Press
4. Local Creation: 10 Rules for Entrepreneurship in Small Towns, Shopping Streets, and Returned Youth/Author: Sai Kinoshita/Translator: Zhang Peiying/Fujia Publishing House
5. Battle Theory for Local Creation: Necessary thinking, practice, and skills for regional creation from activities to businesses! / Author: Sai Kinoshita / Translator: Lin Shuxian / Pingren Publishing House
6. Local Creation: 28 pieces of survival wisdom on tourism, specialties, and local brands/Author: Sai Kinoshita/Translator: Zhang Peiying/Fujia Publishing House
7. The forefront of local creation/Matsunaga Yasumi, Tokuda Mitsuhiro and others/Translated by Lin Yongshun/Pedestrian Publishing House
8. The Way of Urban Reconstruction/Author: Lu Weimin/Translator: Lin Zhengyi/Tianxia Culture Publishing House
9. The Birth and Decline of Great Cities: Inspiration from American Urban Street Life / Author: Jane. Jane Jacobs/Translator: Wu Zhengzhong/Lianjing Publishing Company
10. The Beauty of Old Houses: Visiting old houses across Taiwan, tracing the life footprints of Taiwanese people from the history of old houses, architectural decorations and stories of the times/Xin Yongsheng, Yang Chaojing, etc./Marco Polo Publishing House
11. Japan’s Urban Regeneration Code 2.0/He Fangzi/Xucai Culture Publishing House
12. Counter-City: Taiwan’s Atypical Urban Planning Techniques/Hou Zhiren (Editor-in-Chief)/Left Bank Culture Publishing House
13. Urban Rebellion: Global Atypical Urban Planning/Hou Zhiren (Editor-in-Chief)/Translator: Wu Bina and others/Left Bank Culture Publishing House
14. Revolt: Urban Symbiosis ING/Hou Zhiren (Editor-in-Chief)/Left Bank Culture Publishing House
15. Urban planning in the 19th and 20th centuries/(Germany) Reinborn/Translated by Yu Longfa/China Construction Industry Press

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8[ARC111]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇睿弼
修課班級 Class:建築系3-5,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:上課地點:ARC111
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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