course information of 109 - 1 | 7041 Urban/Rural Community Planning and Design Studio (I)(城鄉規劃與設計〈一〉)

7041 - 城鄉規劃與設計〈一〉 Urban/Rural Community Planning and Design Studio (I)

教育目標 Course Target

文化資產的保存及再利用在台灣走過了一條近四十餘年漫長的路;從早期的「一級古蹟」「二級古蹟」「三級古蹟」等分級制度到進入『文化資產保存法』通過後「國定古蹟/歷史建築」與「市定(或縣定)古蹟/歷史建築」及「文化景觀」的指定,認定的程序簡化許多,也讓各有文化資產意義的建築物所在地的地方政府在決所在區域哪些歷史遺跡/歷史建築/古蹟時有更高的自主性決定編定的等級與介入輔導維護的方式。而隨著民間保存歷史文化資產的意識之逐漸抬頭,文化資產保存法也增列了民間自主提報的機制,讓古蹟/歷史建築的認定可以跳過含括公-私的所有權人的主觀意識,進入到公共資產維護的層次,得以透過集體的意識與資金的協助啟動維護。近年來國外方興未艾的「保存管理計畫」(Conversation Management Planning, CMP)也催生了所有權人與管理人分流的概念,並期許更有效、更創新的維護管理機制以帶動文化資產的長期持續的保存再利用。 本課程即著眼於前述文化資產保存再利用的集體氛圍及社會需求,希望藉由課程能夠讓修課的同學具備有文化資產保存及再利用的專業知識及實務經驗。課程將以東海大學2014-5年間接受美國蓋提基金會(Getty Foundation)的「維持其現代」獎助(”Keepin it Modern” Grant)進行文化資產保存修復研究的路思義教堂為對象,引領同學在文化資產保存法之前,學會如何判斷單棟建築物或建築體群落的歷史文化意義,界定其文化資產保存上的意義與重要性,並在歷史考證的過程中還原各個不同的使用階段的空間型態與建築物的修正使用,確認欲還原的時間點,並由此時間點的還原兼顧當下及未來的使用,適度地增添現代生活及機能使用必要的設施,認識傳統工法並做成一份完整的報告書圖。 此課程放在東海建築系的歷史傳承中尤具意義;蓋台灣的傳統建築測繪的工作就是濫觴於東海大學建築系大學部的「中國建築史」課程,由漢寶德先生啟動的彰化孔廟與鹿港街區古風貌研究開始,打開了台灣建築界在一片緬懷中原宮殿式建築的風潮中轉身定睛凝視在地傳統建築的新視窗。漢先生啟動的傳統建築調查與測繪工作也讓文化上蒼白的1970年代乍然現身鄉土文學論戰中建築這一塊未見缺席,並由此讓建築不再僅止於工程的領域,而得以在歷史及文化的層面上與變動中的台灣社會進行豐富多元的對話。其後歷經洪文雄老師將近卅年以「中國建築史」加上「台灣傳統建築」課程的長期經營,以東海為基地累積了大量的調查測繪資料,也讓東海建築系在文化資產領域一直得以具有發言的話語權。本課程在東海建築系以研究所A組的課程開設因此具有了歷史傳承的意義。 本課程鎖定東海大學校園建築,也開啟了另外一個獨具意義的歷史視角。蓋不像台灣部分延續至殖民時期所設的大學或職業學校的高等教育學府(如延續自台灣帝國大學的台灣大學、延續自台南工學院的成功大學),東海大學的校園建築最年長者完成迄今不過六十年,明顯在歷史階段上不同於台灣過往的文化資產保存所針對的清朝、清朝以前或日治時期的建築物;它指向了新的「現代建築」保存領域。但東海大學校園所具有的現代建築,放回戰後台灣的建築發展脈絡中檢視,卻是具有高度的實驗性與創新性,一直被台灣的建築界公認為台灣現代建築的重要灘頭堡,是一個理解現代建築的重要基地,也亟需投注心力保存及再利用。本課程期許透過一整個學期近兩百個小時的課程,帶領同學由文化資產歷史意義的探究、保存的重點、新的使用機能及設施植入的需要、工法的還原及施工介面的處置、以及長期持續使用的CMP計畫的研擬等,培養同學成為文化資產保存領域的新生力軍,給予同學進入此一領域的專業鑰匙。 The preservation and reuse of cultural assets has gone a long way in Taiwan for more than 40 years; from the early grading systems such as "First-Class Monuments", "Second-Class Monuments" and "Third-Class Monuments" to the passing of the "Cultural Assets Preservation Act" After that, "national monuments/historic buildings" and "city-designated (or county-designated) historic sites/ The designation of "historic buildings" and "cultural landscapes" has greatly simplified the identification procedures, and also allows local governments where buildings with cultural asset significance are located to have greater autonomy in deciding which historical sites/historic buildings/historic sites are located in the area. Decide on the level of programming and the way to intervene in counseling and maintenance. With the gradual rise of private awareness of preserving historical and cultural assets, the Cultural Assets Preservation Law has also added a mechanism for private self-reporting, so that the identification of monuments/historic buildings can skip the subjective consciousness of public-private owners. , entering the level of public asset maintenance, and can initiate maintenance through collective awareness and financial assistance. In recent years, the ascendant "Conservation Management Planning (CMP)" abroad has also given rise to the concept of the separation of owners and managers, and hopes for a more effective and innovative maintenance and management mechanism to promote the long-term sustainability of cultural assets. Save and reuse. This course focuses on the collective atmosphere and social needs for the preservation and reuse of cultural assets mentioned above. It is hoped that through the course, students who take the course will have professional knowledge and practical experience in the preservation and reuse of cultural assets. The course will be funded by Tunghai University’s “Keepin it Modern” grant from the Getty Foundation in 2014-5. Grant, who is conducting research on the preservation and restoration of cultural assets, took the Lucey Church as an example, leading students to learn how to judge the historical and cultural significance of a single building or a group of buildings before the cultural assets preservation law, and define its significance and significance in the preservation of cultural assets. importance and in the process of historical research Restore the spatial form and modified use of the building in different stages of use, confirm the time point to be restored, and restore from this time point to take into account current and future use, and appropriately add facilities necessary for modern life and functional use. , understand traditional construction methods and make a complete report diagram. This course is particularly meaningful in the historical inheritance of the Department of Architecture of Tunghai University; the traditional architectural surveying and mapping work in Taiwan originated from the "History of Chinese Architecture" course in the Department of Architecture of Tunghai University. The Changhua Confucius Temple and the Confucius Temple started by Mr. Han Baode The study of the ancient style of the Lukang neighborhood has begun, opening a new window for the Taiwanese architectural community to turn their attention to the local traditional architecture amid the trend of remembering the palatial architecture of the Central Plains. The traditional architectural survey and mapping work initiated by Mr. Han also made the culturally pale 1970s suddenly appear in the local literature debate, and the architectural aspect was not absent. As a result, architecture was no longer limited to the field of engineering, but could play a role in history. and cultural aspects to have a rich and diverse dialogue with the changing Taiwanese society. Later, after nearly thirty years of long-term operation of the "Chinese Architectural History" and "Taiwanese Traditional Architecture" courses by Professor Hong Wenxiong, a large amount of survey and mapping data was accumulated based on Donghai, which also allowed the Donghai Architecture Department to continue to be able to continue to work in the field of cultural assets. Have the right to speak. This course is offered in the Department of Architecture of Tokai as a course of Group A of the Institute, so it has the significance of historical inheritance. This course focuses on the campus architecture of Tunghai University and opens up another unique historical perspective. Unlike some of the higher education institutions in Taiwan that continued from universities or vocational schools established during the colonial period (such as National Taiwan University, which continued from the National Taiwan Imperial University, and National Cheng Kung University, which continued from the Tainan Institute of Technology), the campus buildings of Tunghai University were completed by the oldest It has only been sixty years so far, and the historical stage is obviously different from the Qing Dynasty, pre-Qing Dynasty or Japanese occupation period buildings that Taiwan's past cultural asset preservation targeted; it points to a new field of "modern architecture" preservation. However, the modern architecture of the Tunghai University campus, when viewed in the context of post-war Taiwanese architectural development, is highly experimental and innovative. It has always been recognized by the Taiwanese architectural community as an important beachhead of Taiwanese modern architecture. An important base for understanding modern architecture, it also urgently needs to be preserved and reused. This course is expected to take nearly 200 hours of courses over a whole semester to lead students through the exploration of the historical significance of cultural assets, the focus of preservation, the need for new functions and facility implantation, the restoration of construction methods and the disposal of construction interfaces, and The development of long-term and sustainable CMP plans, etc., trains students to become a new force in the field of cultural asset preservation and gives students the professional key to enter this field.

課程概述 Course Description

Through historical review of actual cases of domestic urban and rural or island settlements, current situation visits, resident interviews, community participation, spatial analysis, issue discussions, comprehensive diagnosis, development positioning, planning goals, development strategies, outline plans, planning configurations, and details Design, etc., study and formulate the best plan for redevelopment of the case study, and provide a development blueprint for relevant local administrators to engage in urban and rural space transformation and construction. Through the practical operation of construction-education cooperation, students can more truly experience the social structure and spatial structure characteristics of urban and rural areas, and become more immersed in conceiving practical models for sustainable urban and rural development and overall community construction.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.所有Getty Foundation 之Keeping it Modern Grant 補助完成之英文版研究報告(詳 www.getty.edu 網頁下之Keeping it Modern Report Library)

2.榮芳杰 Rong, Fang-jay The Beginning of Cultural Heritage Conservation Plans: A Review of Jame Kerr's "Conservation Plan: a guide to the preparation of conservation plans for places of European cultural significance"

1. All English versions of research reports completed with the Getty Foundation’s Keeping it Modern Grant (details in the Keeping it Modern Report Library under www.getty.edu)

2. Rong, Fang-jay The Beginning of Cultural Heritage Conservation Plans: A Review of Jame Kerr's "Conservation Plan: a guide to the preparation of conservation plans for places of European cultural significance"

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
A. 上課出席率A. 上課出席率
A. Class attendance
B. 上課參與討論的熱烈程度B. 上課參與討論的熱烈程度
B. The intensity of participation in discussions in class
C. 專業表現C. 專業表現
C. Professional performance
D. 期末的提案報告完整性D. 期末的提案報告完整性
D. Completeness of the proposal report at the end of the period

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Course Information


學分 Credit:6-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8,9,Thursday/2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9[系館]
授課教師 Teacher:郭奇正
修課班級 Class:建築碩1A
選課備註 Memo:1A設計課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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