course information of 109 - 1 | 7023 String Ensemble (2020 fall)(弦樂合奏(109上))

7023 - 弦樂合奏(109上) String Ensemble (2020 fall)

教育目標 Course Target

透過較小編制的弦樂團,較深入的探討有關弦樂合奏之概念與技巧,並藉由精緻合奏,提昇學生對自身演奏水平的要求,建立專業的演奏態度。 Students will learn to develop: A positive sense and an appreciation of music Music literacy – interpreting, reading, and sight-reading music Efficient practicing techniques Skills necessary to perform solo or in a group The ability to recognize articulations and musical styles Knowledge of musical terms Sight reading skills Emphasis will also be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performance experiences and music in which to apply these skills. 授課內容每學期以涵蓋巴洛克、古典、浪漫、近代或現代時期之完整音樂會的曲目為上課內容,除合奏訓練外,亦要求理解領導樂團之主動與被動。 目標短期以每學期之課程內容為主,演出一場以上之正式音樂會;長期希望能建立一具備多樣化演奏能力與曲目的駐校團體。 評分標準除個別演奏技術之先天差異外,聲音的可塑性與反應能力,以及合奏態度均為評分依據。 *大学部和硕士班都可以修课。 *需透过甄试(一首3-5分钟自选曲)方可修课。Through a smaller string orchestra, we will explore the concepts and techniques of string ensemble more deeply, and through exquisite ensemble playing, we will improve students' requirements for their own performance level and establish a professional performance attitude. Students will learn to develop: A positive sense and an appreciation of music Music literacy – interpreting, reading, and sight-reading music Efficient practicing techniques Skills necessary to perform solo or in a group The ability to recognize articulations and musical styles Knowledge of musical terms Sight reading skills Emphasis will also be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performance experiences and music in which to apply these skills. The teaching content each semester is based on complete concert repertoire covering the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern or Modern eras. In addition to ensemble training, it also requires an understanding of the active and passive aspects of leading an orchestra. The short-term goal is to focus on the course content of each semester and perform more than one formal concert; the long-term goal is to establish a resident group with diversified performance abilities and repertoire. In addition to the innate differences in individual performance techniques, the scoring criteria are based on the plasticity and responsiveness of the sound, as well as the attitude of the ensemble. *Courses can be taken in both undergraduate and master’s programs. *You must pass the screening test (a 3-5 minute self-selected song) before you can take the course.

參考書目 Reference Books

A. Vivaldi: Concerto Grosso in D minor Op. 3 No. 11, RV 565
A. Vivaldi: A little Symphony in G Major
A. Vivaldi: Concerto alla Rustica in G Major, RV 151
A. Vivaldi : Sinfonia for Strings in G Major
Corelli: Concerto n°8, Op. 6, "fatto per la notte di natale"
G. F. Handel: Concerto Grosso in B minor Op. 6/12
J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos
G. B. Pergolesi: Concertino for Strings in G Major
J. Haydn: Piano Concerto D-major
W. A. Mozart: Symphony No. 29
I. Stravinsky: Concerto for Strings
A. Piazzolla: Preparense
D. Shostakovich: String Quartet No. 8
B. Britten: Variations on a Frank Bridge theme
Marche Miniature: Viennoise
Béla Bartók : Romanian Folk Dances, Op. 56

A. Vivaldi: Concerto Grosso in D minor Op. 3 No. 11, RV 565
A. Vivaldi: A little Symphony in G Major
A. Vivaldi: Concerto alla Rustica in G Major, RV 151
A. Vivaldi : Sinfonia for Strings in G Major
Corelli: Concerto n°8, Op. 6, "fatto per la notte di natale"
G. F. Handel: Concerto Grosso in B minor Op. 6/12
J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos
G. B. Pergolesi: Concertino for Strings in G Major
J. Haydn: Piano Concerto D-major
W. A. ​​Mozart: Symphony No. 29
I. Stravinsky: Concerto for Strings
A. Piazzolla: Preparense
D. Shostakovich: String Quartet No. 8
B. Britten: Variations on a Frank Bridge theme
Marche Miniature: Viennoise
Béla Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances, Op. 56

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Rehearsal attitude
concert performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/11,12[MU128]
授課教師 Teacher:Arkadi Koutchinski
修課班級 Class:音樂系1-4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:第一次參加須經鑑定考試通過方可修習,不開放推廣部隨班附讀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 18 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 18 人。

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