course information of 109 - 1 | 7003 Orchestra Literature(管弦樂曲目研究)

7003 - 管弦樂曲目研究 Orchestra Literature

教育目標 Course Target

本課程依循音樂時期的脈絡,探討各時期代表性的管弦樂作品,並針對重要管弦樂作曲家們進行主題式研究與探討。本學期以二十世紀以前之管弦樂作品為主要授課內容。 1.巴洛克時期:巴哈管弦樂組曲 2.古典時期:海頓、莫札特和貝多芬的交響曲研究,探討交響曲的發展。 3.十九世紀的管弦樂作品:依據風格與地域性,將管弦樂作品分成幾個主題系列介紹,如下:「浪漫前期」、「德奧經典」、「論現代配器法與管弦樂法」、「德奧傳承」、「東歐斯拉夫」、「北歐風情」與「浪漫俄羅斯」。 本課程將經典管弦樂作品系統性地介紹,透過聆賞與分析樂曲、創作背景認識與個人報告呈現,更加了解不同時期的音樂風格及語法,並提升管絃樂曲目詮釋能力。期望藉由管弦樂文獻的探討,達到理論與演奏相互結合的目標。 This course follows the context of musical periods, explores representative orchestral works of each period, and conducts thematic research and discussion on important orchestral composers. This semester focuses on orchestral works before the 20th century. 1. Baroque period: Bach orchestral suites 2. Classical period: Research on the symphonies of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, and explore the development of symphonies. 3. Orchestral works of the 19th century: According to style and region, orchestral works are divided into several theme series for introduction, as follows: "Early Romantic Period", "German and Austrian Classics", "On Modern Orchestration and Orchestration Methods", "German Austrian Heritage", "Eastern European Slavic", "Nordic Style" and "Romantic Russia". This course systematically introduces classic orchestral works. Through listening and analyzing the music, understanding the creative background and presenting personal reports, you can better understand the musical styles and grammar of different periods, and improve your ability to interpret orchestral music. It is hoped that through the discussion of orchestral literature, the goal of integrating theory and performance can be achieved.

參考書目 Reference Books

Lawson, Colin. The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra. Cambridge: University Press,

Horton, Julian. The Cambridge Companion to the Symphony. Cambridge: University
Press, 2013.


Lawson, Colin. The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra. Cambridge: University Press,

Horton, Julian. The Cambridge Companion to the Symphony. Cambridge: University
Press, 2013.

Written by Xu Songren. "The Formation of European Orchestras and the Development of Orchestration". Taipei: Full Music Score Publishing Co., Ltd.,
90 years of the Republic of China.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and Class Performance
personal report
Final written report and examination

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[MU121]
授課教師 Teacher:范楷西
修課班級 Class:音樂碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:指揮組必修;不開放推廣部隨班附讀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 2 人。

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