course information of 109 - 1 | 6992 Career Skills(職能技巧)

6992 - 職能技巧 Career Skills

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標Course Objectives: 本課程介紹申請音樂相關工作的技能,共分成三大方向:專業能力的展現及行銷、與音樂相關的行政工作簡介及音樂商業(entrepreneurship)的結合。在專業能力的展現與行銷上,授課教師及受邀講者將介紹如何書寫申請信函(cover letter)、履歷、自傳、如何準備佐證資料、申請補助金額(grant application)、面試技巧、如何規畫一場音樂活動及網路行銷策略。在行政工作及創業方面,本課程並邀請專家演講,介紹租借場地、舉辦行政活動(如音樂行政、請款、舉辦活動及協調各單位)的原則,吸取演奏主修背景出身後來自行創業的專家學者們的人生經驗,探索在生涯規劃上的其它多樣性,以期在求新求變的21世紀,引導及刺激學生對於就業市場有創新的思考模式。 Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives: This course introduces the skills for applying for music-related jobs, and is divided into three major directions: display of professional abilities and marketing, introduction to music-related administrative work, and the integration of music business (entrepreneurship). In terms of displaying and marketing professional abilities, teachers and invited speakers will introduce how to write an application letter (cover letter), resume, autobiography, how to prepare supporting materials, apply for grant amount (grant application), interview skills, and how to plan A music event and online marketing strategy. In terms of administrative work and entrepreneurship, this course also invites experts to give lectures to introduce the principles of renting venues, holding administrative activities (such as music administration, requesting funds, organizing activities and coordinating various units), and draws on experts who have a background in performance and started their own businesses. Scholars’ life experiences explore other diversities in career planning, with a view to guiding and stimulating students to have innovative ways of thinking about the job market in the 21st century, which is seeking innovation and change.

參考書目 Reference Books

Beeching, Angela Myles. Beyond Talent: Creating A Successful Career in Music. 2nd ed. NY:
Oxford University Press, Inc. 2010.

beech ing, Angel Amy LES. beyond talent: creating A successful career in music. 2your quota. NY: Oxford university press, Inc. 2010.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
課堂參與度 Participation課堂參與度 Participation
Class participation Participation
30 含出席率、上課參與度、及是否準時出席。遲到超過15分鐘等同曠課。
演講心得作業 Lecture review演講心得作業 Lecture review
Lecture review
30 自選3場演講撰寫(各)一份500字的心得報告。於當場演講的兩週內(下週一) 上傳數位教學平台iLearn。
履歷作業Biography assignments 履歷作業Biography assignments
Biography assignments
10 含自傳、履歷撰寫,請一律上傳至數位教學平台
期末報告 Final project期末報告 Final project
Final report Final project
30 音樂會設計Recital Project或創業設計Entrepreneur Project(擇一):30% 設計並規畫一場音樂會。含主題、編制、曲目、企畫書及經費申請書 或設計一個除了自己主修之外的事業規畫書,包含創業性質、相關資源、 相關人事、預估成品等

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8[MU128]
授課教師 Teacher:林芳瑜
修課班級 Class:音樂碩1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀;隔週上課2小時
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 21 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 21 人。

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